He's probably right

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After we've spent the whole day in and at the pool, we enjoyed a nice BBQ and much alcohol at the pool. The only guys who didn't drink to much, were Carlos and Daniel. Me neither- of course. Charles, Lando, Pierre and George were very drunk. And because of that, they went to bed after like two hours. Carlos, Daniel and I were staying at the deck and enjoyed the night and the fresh air.

"Do you and Lando talk with each other again?" Carlos asked Daniel. "Only what we have to. I am still mad. He didn't explain what happened or why he did that. So... As long as I don't really know what happened, I won't talk to him normally." Daniel replied and looked disappointed. "You didn't let him explain what happened? He explained everything to me." I said. "Yeah? What did he say?" Daniel asked. Carlos stood up. "I'll let you guys alone. Your private life isn't my business" He said and went to the cabin. So Daniel and I were sitting there alone.

"Well, he said that she was following him the whole day. And then he just wanted to have a normal talk with her. And then she kissed him in the absolute wrong moment." I explained. Daniel looked a bit sad. "She's a bitch. And I really don't know why I was dating her..." He said and looked mad and sad at the same time. "Yeah, she's definitely a bitch. But well, just forget her. It was definitely not your fault." I said. "Yours neither... You deserve the best" He replied and smiled at me. He looked so sweet! "Thank you Daniel. But at the moment I am not sure if I want a boyfriend again. The fear to get hurt is just to big. And what about you, is there somebody new?"

"Yeah, actually there is a girl I like. But I don't think she likes me back" Daniel said and looked a little sad. "Oh come on, I'm sure you'll get what you want. You are a great guy, you deserve the girl you want" I replied and smiled at him. We talked for a while, until it was very late. "I'll go to bed my dear, sleep well" Daniel said and stood up. "Sleep well Danny. It was nice to talk to you once again." I replied and saw him walking inside, going to the cabin. As I was pretty sure that Charles was sleeping, I decided to sleep on the sofa on the deck.

Before I slept, I read a bit. After I finished my book, I wanted to sleep. But I couldn't. I was thinking about Carlos' words. Do I really love Daniel? I thought about this for several hours, until it was already 2am. I still couldn't sleep. So I decided to go to the kitchen and drink some water. So I stood up and went to the kitchen. I took a glass and drank it. But then, I felt someone laying his hands on my hips. I was shocked because I didn't expect anybody here. I turned around and saw, that it was George.

"Hi George, what are you doing here?" I asked and tried to push him away. But he didn't let me push him away and let his hands on my hips. "I couldn't sleep and wanted to drink something." He said and stroked over my cheeks. "Did I already tell you how hot you looked today?" He added. "Um- Thank you... I guess..." I said and walked away, but he stopped me and pushed me against the wall. "Why are you running away from me baby? I want you to be with me..." George said and stroked my cheek again. "I want to sleep again George, please let me go" I said and wanted to leave, but George pressed me against the wall harder.

"Please George, let me go" I tried again. "No baby, kiss me. I want to to be with me. Forever. Be mine." George replied and kissed me. I pushed him away and was shocked. "George, no. First of all you are drunk. And second of all, I love somebody else. Not you. Let me go." I said and walked away. I went back outside and sat on the sofa, but George followed me. "GEORGE NO. LEAVE ME ALONE." I said but he came even closer. He tried to kiss me again, but I heard a trusted voice. "George, go away. She said no." George was shocked and turned around. "What do you want?! It's my business." He then said. "No. She said no. And no is no. Don't you get it? Man you are drunk, go away. It's fucking 3am. Go and sleep." Daniel said and George listened to him and walked away.

"Did he do something to you?" Daniel asked and sat next to me. "No, he just kissed me. It was a terrible kiss, but well, what should I do." I replied and laughed. "What are you even doing here?" I asked. "I heard something and then I stood up to see what it was." Daniel replied. "Okay, thank you very much Danny." I said. We sat there for a while and enjoyed the night.

"Did he kiss that bad?" Daniel asked. "Yes, really. I'm sure anyone could do it better than him" I said and laughed a bit. Daniel looked at me for a while, then softly grabbed my chin and looked in my eyes. "Let's try if this is true" He then said and kissed me. His kiss felt fantastic. It was one of the best kisses I've ever had. It was so careful and soft. I loved it.

After the kiss ended, Daniel stood up and walked away. "Sleep well beautiful" He said and then went to his cabin with a sweet smile on his face.

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