Mamma Mia

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A tear started rolling down my cheek. Why did I ever let him go? I had to see him right now. It was already 8pm, but it was very important. I ran to my door, grabbed my keys and jumped into my car. But before I started the car, I sent a text to Daniel.
Me: Daniel, listen to Mamma Mia by Abba and concentrate on the second part of the first chorus! And are you home?
Daniel: This one?
"Mamma mia, here I go again
My, my, how can I resist you?
Mamma mia, does it show again
My, my, just how much I've missed you?"
Me: Yes, this one. Are you at home??
Daniel: Yes, I am :) But Max is here...
Me: Can I come over anyways?
Daniel: Yes, I'll ask him to leave
Me: You don't have to!
Daniel: COME OVER!
Me: Ok...

I started the car and drove to Daniel's house. I literally ran to his door and knocked. Daniel opened the door within a few seconds and looked at me with teary eyes. "Daniel..." I said with a weak voice. "Did you read it?" He asked and was still standing at the same spot as he did before. "Yes. I- Thank You." I replied and smiled a little bit. "I meant it. Every single word." He said and my eyes filled up with tears. "And I meant what the song text said. How could I ever let you... It was another verse, but I think you know this song, right?" I said and he smiled. "Yes. And you know how much I love this song.... Do you miss me?" He replied with a serious face again. "Yes. I miss you so fucking much... And I want to give you another chance... I need you. It might sounds weird, but I understand why you did what you did... I really get it. Daniel Joseph Ricciardo, I love you." I said and fell in his arms. He kissed me passionately and stroked my cheek. "I missed you so much Sarah. And I never meant to hurt you."

After a tight hug, many kisses and thousands of sweet words, Daniel and I were a couple again. We went to his balcony and drank a glass of wine. "let me raise a toast for us and a healthy relationship" Daniel said and kissed me. "I love you so much Daniel. Leaving you was a mistake. Even when you did dumb things, I never stopped loving you" I replied and kissed him back. "Do you want to stay here for tonight?" Daniel asked. "Yes. I missed sleeping on your chest" I said and smiled.

Only a few hours later, Daniel and I went to bed. He gave me one of his shirts and a pair of shorts so I had something to wear for sleeping. I laid my head on his chest and he stroked over my hair. "I love you" He said and kissed me on the head. "I love you too Daniel. I can't say it enough. I am so glad to have you back. My pillow is pretty uncomfortable. Your chest is better" I replied and made him smile. "I love it when you sleep there. I always watch you how you are laying there, so calm and without any worries. And when you wake up, you always smile at me so sweetly. I love it so much. I love you so much. I love having you. My life is so much better since you are with me." Daniel said, but I did already fall asleep.

The next morning when I woke up, Daniel was still holding me in his arm. "Good morning beautiful lady, how did you sleep?" He said and kissed my forehead. "Very good, thank you babe" I replied and kissed him. "Do you want a coffee? I need a coffee. Do you want a coffee too? All I need is a coffee now" I asked and Daniel laughed out loud. "I think that you love coffee more than you love me. And yes, I would love to have a coffee" He said and kissed me. We stood up together and went to the kitchen. I made coffee for us while Daniel made pancakes for me and a special breakfast musli for his diet.

"What do you want to do today?" Daniel asked. "No idea. What would you like to do?" I replied and smiled at him. "What about a hike? Not long, but just on top of Monaco. You know where I mean, right?" Daniel replied and stroked my hand. "Yes, I do. Of course, I love this idea. But first I have to go home and get some new clothes. I can't go hiking in these clothes." I said and was very excited for our little trip.

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