Confessions and nostalgia

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When it way finally evening, Daniel and I got dressed and went to our car. "Where are we going babe?" I asked while Daniel started the car. "It's a surprise, we'll be there in a few minutes" He replied and grabbed my hand.
We drove about five minutes and arrived at the place where the paddock is when the Formula 1 is in Monaco. Daniel left the car and walked around the it. He opened my door and gave me his hand to help me get out of the car. "Ma'm, would you come with me?" He said with a smile and walked a bit away from the car. We walked to a building which is standing very close to the street where all the races were.

"Do you know this spot?" Daniel asked. "Yeah I live here in Monaco, I walk by here every day" I replied and laughed. "And what did you do here a few years ago?" He asked further. "Also live... And watch car races. Kart, F1... Yeah not much more i think..." I said sill laughing. "You were watching Charles' Kart races here. And you were standing right here. And on this race I saw you for the first time ever. Charles Leclerc's Girlfriend. Damn that hurt when I found out" My boyfriend said. "Ohhh, okay, I don't remember. But I officially love this place." I replied laughing and kissed him.

"Let's go for a little walk. I want to go for dinner with you" Daniel said, grabbed my hand and started walking to the capital of Monte Carlo. We went to the restaurant where we had our first dinner together. It wasn't a date, but we went there and had dinner when Lando and Lisa cheated. Daniel went to the same table we sat over a year ago and sat down there. "Aww do you really still remember our fist dinner which wasn't even a date?" I said and smiled brightly. "Of course I do! Sarah you know that I have been in love with you before we even started dating. I enjoyed the time with you. I still do, that sounded wrong!" Daniel replied and laughed.

After we've ordered food and also ate it, we paid the bill and went outside. "Let's go to the car. I have another surprise for you." Daniel said and laid his arm around me. We walked to the car and entered it. Daniel started the engine and we drove through the night. "You wanted to tell me something?" Daniel suddenly said and first looked at me, then back on the street. "I don't think it's the right moment. I'll tell you after at home or wherever we go" I replied and laid my hand on his, which was on the gear shift.

After a few minutes, Daniel stopped the car at the harbour. He gave me a sign to get out of the car and opened the door. I also jumped out of the car and went to him. Daniel grabbed my hand and we walked to a Yacht. As it was dark, winter and a plane over it, I didn't recognise the boat. Daniel climbed on the boat and removed the plane. After he put the plane away, I saw, that it was Pierre's boat. "What are we doing on Pierre's boat?" I asked and climbed on it too. Daniel unlocked the cabin and turned on the light. Everywhere were flowers and candles. "Aww what is that?" I asked and was stunned by the beauty of the flowers. "Sit down babe, I have something for you" Daniel replied and made me sit down on a chair in the cabin. Daniel quickly went to the kitchen and I was wondering where he went.

After a minute or so, Daniel came back with a bowl of ice cream and gave it to me. "Cookie dough, brownie and salted caramel. Your favourite ice cream." He said with a big smile. "Thank you. It's beautiful in here. And yes, that's defo my favourite ice cream, you know me too good." I replied and gave him a kiss. "Do you remember what happened here?" Daniel asked with a smirk in his face. "Our first real kiss of course." I replied and had to smile thinking of that. I stood up and went over to Daniel's chair. I kissed him with all the love I had, just like we did on our first kiss. "I love you Daniel" I said and sat on his lap. "I love you too Sarah"

After talking about how much we love each other for a while, I couldn't hold it anymore and had to tell Daniel about the baby. "Daniel I have to tell you something." I said and swallowed nervously. "Yes baby, everything" Daniel replied and turned my head to make me look at him. "But- Danny... I- Have no idea how I should tell you..." I gave my best to make normal sentences, but it was harder than I thought. Daniel grabbed my chin and stroked over my cheek to comfort me. "What are you scared of? As long as you don't break up with me, you can tell me everything and nothing will happen. I won't be mad, I won't break up with you and I won't hurt you, I swear." Daniel said and gave me a kiss.

"Okay, I will tell you. And I- it's so hard... Daniel I am pregnant. You are going to be a father." I said and a tear ran down my cheek. "Did I just ruin the evening?" I added and was close to start crying, but Daniel kissed me hard and made me forget everything. I kissed him about a million times, but this kiss made me forget about all the fear I had. "I- I am going to be a father... Why would I be mad?! That's the best thing that ever happened to me!" Daniel said and kissed me again. He was crying because of happiness and kissed me a hundert times.

Daniel stood up and went to the entry of the cabin. "What are you doing?" I asked curiously. Daniel didn't reply and came back after he took something out of his jacket. He came to me and stood in front of me. "I didn't want to do it now, but I feel like it's the right moment... You know how much I love you and for how long I have been in love with you... You made my life so much better, believe me. We moved in together and are the closest we have ever been. I am bad in talking much about love, so I will ask you the question I wanted to ask you for so long."
Daniel took a ring out of his pocket and kneeled down in front of me.

"Sarah Mary Harrison, would you give me the honour to be my wife?"

Dear future husband (Daniel Ricciardo ff)Where stories live. Discover now