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The next morning, I stood up very early to go to the track. As Charles didn't need to be there as early as I did, he was still sleeping and I had to be really careful to don't wake him up. I got dressed and walked to the track, as it was really close to the hotel. I went to our office and prepared the camera and everything else I needed today. The plan said, that this week, it was my turn to take pictures in the box.

After I had everything I needed, I went to the box and did an Instagram Story for the team. I replied to a few messages and drank some coffees. After 30 minutes, Rob arrived. "Good morning Sarah! How are you doing?" He asked when he sat on the chair next to me. "Morning Rob, yeah thanks, I am fine." I replied and we chatted for a while, until the first people arrived. One of them was Carlos, who came to us and drank a coffee. "Morning guys. Sarah, Daniel told me to ask you to go to his drivers room, he misses you" He said and smiled at me. "Thanks Carlos, see you later" I replied and stood up.

I went to the McLaren motorhome and entered Daniel's room. He was standing there shirtless, trying to put a cream on his back. "Oh my god what are you doing?" I asked laughing. I took the tube and creamed his back. When I was done, I gave him the tube and kissed him. "My back hurt. And this is a anti-pain cream. Whatever." Daniel said and I laughed. "You looked funny. Like you were doing Yoga or whatever." I said and he laughed too. "It's hard!" He defended himself. But before I could say anything more, he pulled me in a tight hug. "How did you sleep babe?" He asked and stroked my back.

"Not bad, but I had to stand up too early." I complained. "Awww, you poor poor little girl...." Daniel said sarcastically and laughed. "Hello, would you be nice please?!" I said and laughed too. "Oh, am I supposed to be a gentleman?" He asked and laughed. He grabbed my hand and kissed it. "I am sorry my lady, I didn't mean to be a rude knight. Would you give me the honour to forgive me?" He said in a feigned voice. "Oh my dear knight, of course I will. I love you sir" I replied laughing and kissed him.

"I love you too Ma'm" He said and kissed me again. "Thanks darling. But unfortunately I have to work now... Good luck for the qualifying later. And the free practice. I love you babe" I said and kissed him one last time before I left the room and walked to the office. I grabbed all the things I needed and wanted to go to the box, but I felt how someone grabbed my wrist and stopped. I turned around and saw, that it was George.

"George? How can I help you?" I asked and felt really uncomfortable. "I saw some photos of you and Daniel" He said and pushed me against a wall. "Ye- yes that's good possible...?" I replied full of fear. "I don't like that. You are mine. Why are you kissing Daniel?" He said and had much anger in his eyes. "Because he is my boyfriend, not you." I replied and got very angry. "I thought we cleared this?!" I added. "WHY WOULD YOU THINK THAT?! YOU ARE MINE, I HOPE YOU KNOW THAT! DANIEL DOESN'T DESERVE YOU! HE DOESN'T LOVE YOU! HE JUST WANTS TO FUCK YOU, THAT'S ALL!" George screamed. In that moment, Daniel came around the corner.

"What is happening here?!" He said and pushed George away from me. "You don't deserve her! All you want is to fuck her! I would be a better boyfriend than you!" George replied and looked first at Daniel, then at me. "What the actual fuck are you talking about?!  Why would you even assume something like that?! I love her with every single part of my heart! I don't know what you want, but fuck off! See how uncomfortable she is?! LEAVE HER ALONE!" Daniel said and pushed him further away. He immediately came to me and hugged me tight. "George, I said go away. NOW!" Daniel said in an angry voice. I never heard him that angry before and also George seemed to be surprised, so he left.

"Are you okay? Did he do something to you?" Daniel asked worried and looked at me. "No... He did nothing to me... But why would he say something like that?" I replied and nearly started crying. A tear was falling down my cheek. "I don't know, but I hope you know that this is shit." Daniel said and wiped away a tear in my face. "I know Daniel..." I replied and kissed him. We held a tight hug for several minutes and I felt much better.  

Dear future husband (Daniel Ricciardo ff)Where stories live. Discover now