Are you sure Sarah?

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"Charles, I have an idea." I said. My best friend who was sitting on the chair next to my bed looked at me with a questioning gaze. "Another of your crazy plans?" He asked and laughed. "The craziest plan I've ever had." I replied and he looked at me like "please not, your plans are terrible". He sighted and asked: "Okay, what is your plan?" "I want to move out here. I love my family, but I need my own space. Now I have a boyfriend I just need more privacy" I said and smirked. But Charles looked shocked. "YOU DO HAVE WHAT?!" He said in a loud voice. "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, but I have a boyfriend now" I said and Charles jumped up from the chair, pulled me off the bed and hugged me.

"Who? Who is that lucky guy?" He asked and seemed happy like a child who has gotten candy. "Wow, relax, I am not married yet, I just have a boyfriend" I said and laughed. I laid back on my bed and Charles jumped on my bed next to me. "I know, but you didn't date anyone since you were twelve. And that one guy was me. I don't think that this was true love." He said and laughed. "No, it surely wasn't true love. But now I found a guy who has the potential to be my loved one." I said and he got even more curious. "Sarah Harrison, tell me who it is." He said in an acted serious voice. "Lando Norris. A very attractive guy who drives fast cars." I said and smiled.

Charles seemed very happy and didn't stop asking me questions how this happened until I stopped him. "I wanted to talk about my plan, not about my boyfriend." I said and laughed. "Oh yeah, you want to move out, right" He said. "So where do you want to go and do you already have some houses and apartments you like?" "No, that's why I need your help, I only know that I want to stay here in Monaco, but I didn't find anything I'd like yet. Could you help me find something?" I asked and he immediately grabbed his phone. "Sure, we'll find something nice for you. And the idea isn't even that bad" He said with a smile on his face and started searching apartments and houses.

We were lying in my bed for hours and searching apartments and houses. But finally, Charles grabbed my arm. "Holy Cow you scared me." I said and laughed. "Yeah yeah, but I found the perfect apartment for you. 3 minutes away from here, 5 minutes away from mine, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, a kitchen, a living room and most important: A balcony. What do you say?" He said and showed me a photo. I looked at the pictures and was in love immediately. The apartment was very modern, had enough rooms for me and had a perfect location. Also the price was perfectly on my budget. "Charles, this is perfect." I said and looked at him with an enthusiastic face. "Can we go and visit it? If it's as beautiful as the pictures are, I have to buy it." I said and Charles nodded.

Only three hours later, we were standing in front of the apartment. The seller was an elder man with grey hair. He showed us the apartment and explained everything perfectly. He was a very nice guy and even made us coffee. He told us, that he has built the whole house and moved in in the apartment next door. He needed some money so he decided to sell this wonderful flat. After a big tour around the whole apartment, he gave us his number and we went back home. I was pretty sure about that I would buy it, if nothing special would happen in the next few days. "When are are back from Silverstone and nothing changed I'll buy it" I said and Charles seemed like he was expecting this. "That's a good idea my dear. But please, tell your family first." He replied.

Charles went back home right after the meeting at the new apartment. I also went home and handled to get every family member to the kitchen. "Mom, dad. Luna and Arthur. Rocky of course. I have something to tell you." I said after everyone was sitting at the table. They didn't say anything so I decided to just simply and easy tell them. "Well, I decided that it's time for me to move out. I love you all very much, but I am old enough to live by myself. I already found an apartment three minutes from here, and I will probably move in there, if nothing special happened after I come back from Silverstone" Everyone was silent, until Arthur finally said something. "That's a good decision Sarah. I was thinking about that too." He said and smiled at me. Then, my mom finally said something too. "Are you sure Sarah?" She asked. She looked a bit worried and sad at the same time. "Yes Mama, it's better for all of us." I replied. "It's a good decision darling, but if you need us, we are still there for you, please don't forget that." My dad eventually said.

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