Mistakes can happen, but not this

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When I woke up the next day, I was shocked that I fell asleep that early yesterday. When I turned around, I saw, that Daniel was here too. "Good morning beautiful. How do you feel?" He said and smiled at me. "Much better than yesterday... Thank you... How about you?" I replied. "Well, I wouldn't say I'm doing good, but well, much better than yesterday. I broke up with Lisa. I think it was necessary." He said and sighted.

"How do you feel about watching the qualifying? I can also go alone if you don't feel ready for it, but I think I have to go and watch it. Zak wouldn't be happy if I wouldn't support my own team." Daniel later said, while we were eating breakfast. "I promised Charles that I will come and see it. So yeah, of course I'll come with you." I replied and made another coffee. "You know, we don't have to stay in the McLaren box. We can also go to the VIP zone of the paddock club. Then we don't have to see Lando." Daniel said. "That would be great. But I think it would be more appreciated if we would go to the box." I replied.

After the breakfast, Daniel went home for a moment. He wanted to pick up some fresh clothes and shower quickly. Only one hour later, he came back to my apartment to pick me up to watch the qualifying. We walked to the paddock and went to the McLaren box. I felt really uncomfortable, but Daniel laid his arm around me to calm me a bit down. And well, it worked. It always worked. Daniel always made me feel much better and was able to calm me down. "I'll quickly go and see Charles, okay?" I said and went to the Ferrari box, where Charles was talking with Mattia. "Ciao Sarah, come va?" Mattia asked and a handled to fake a good smile and have a little chat with him. After Mattia left, I fell in Charles' arms.

"I missed you, but I just wasn't able to come and see you yesterday... I was so done..." I said but Charles put his finger on my lips. "It's okay darling, it's okay." He said and smiled at me sweetly. "I talked with him. And he said that he needs to have a talk with you. But if you aren't ready yet, I'll let him know" My best friend said while putting on his racing suit. "No, I won't talk with him. What I saw was enough for me to know that this won't work any longer." I said.

A few minutes later, I went back to the McLaren box and searched Daniel. But I didn't find him, so I needed to have a look in the garage. But the moment I entered it, I saw Lando. I wanted to walk away immediately but Lando noticed me and ran after me. "Sarah please. Please let me explain everything..." He said and I stopped. I turned around and looked straight in his eyes. "Lando. What I saw was enough explanation. I loved you. And I still do. But you broke my heart and I can't just simply forgive you and forget everything. I don't want to talk with you anymore." I said and walked away.

I tried really hard not to cry, and it worked, because I saw, that Daniel was standing right behind me. He laid his arm around me and stroked my cheek. "Do you want to go to the VIP lounge? There won't be any guys you don't wanna see." Daniel said and of course I agreed. So we went to the lounge and watched the qualifying, which went really good for Charles. He got P1. I ran down to the Ferrari garage and fell in his arms.

"Congrats Charles, I am proud of you" I said with a smile on my face. It made me really happy, that Charles was doing good. "I knew that it would make you happy, that's why I needed to get the pole position. For you" Charles replied and kissed my forehead. "You are the best" I said and couldn't stop smiling. "Good job mate, congratulations for pole" Daniel said. I didn't notice that he followed me to the box, but of course I didn't mind. "Thanks mate" Charles replied and did a handshake with Daniel. "Did you already ask her?" Charles then asked Daniel. "Ohhhhh, I completely forgot it... But well, I'll do it later. But you should better go and do the interviews." Daniel replied and Charles walked away.

"What were you talking about?" I asked curiously. "Well, Charles and I wanted to ask you something, but I completely forgot it..." Daniel replied. "Well, you can ask me everything anytime, but you know that, right?" I said and he nodded. "Yes, of course. Umm, yeah, we will spend the summer break on Pierre's Yacht. There will be some F1 drivers, Charles and myself too. And we all wanted to ask you if you want to join us. It would surely be fun and we'd love you to be with us." I smiled. "That's sweet, thank you. Of course I will, I love spending time with you guys."

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