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I immediately started crying and nodded. "Yes yes yes! Is that even a question?" I said and kissed him passionately. He just made me the happiest woman on earth. "Yes, it was a serious question" Daniel said laughing and kissed me again. "And a clear yes" I added and continued kissing him.

After we were on the boat for a few more minutes, we went back home. It was already late, so we went to bed and cuddled up. "We have to talk about so many things...." Daniel said and laid his arm around me so I was laying on his chest. "Hell yeah... Where do we start?" I replied. "With the best thing ever happened to me. Our baby..." Daniel said and laid his hand on my belly. "What gender to you want it to be?" I asked. "Darling, don't ask that. I am just happy to have a child. It was always my dream to have a family and live happy. And this dream is coming true, no matter if it's a boy or a girl" My fiancé replied and kissed my cheek.

"Where do you want to marry?" Daniel asked. "I don't know... As a little girl I always dreamed of a wedding at the beach, but I am not sure if I still want that... What about you?" I replied and started thinking about what I want. "It just needs to be a warm place. And I'd love to marry outside, that's all" He said. "Outside... That sounds great. But where?" I replied. "Let's think about it. We have enough time for it"

The next morning I woke up and Daniel was already away. I got up and searched him, but I just found a note on the table.

Sorry, I had to go to the airport, my cousin wants to visit us and didn't tell me about it. He and his kids will be at the airport at 10am, we'll be home at 1pm or so. Can you please prepare the bed in the guest room? You don't have to cook for us, I'll go to McDonals's with them so you have less stress ;)
Thank you babe, I love you <3

I had to smile when I read the note. He was such a caring man, I was just lucky to have him. I did what he asked me to and prepared the guest-room for the guests. I already knew his cousin. We met at the Australian Grand Prix. His name was Steve and he had two children. His daughter was seven, his son three. His wife left them right after their son's birth. She left him all alone with the children, but he did an amazing job and managed to be a nice dad.

After I was done preparing the room, I went to the supermarket and bought some food so we had something to eat for the guests. I also bought cookies and candies for the children and then went back home. On my way home, I quickly went to Charles' house. He opened the door and looked surprised. "Charles Marc Herve Perceval Leclerc, did you know about all this?!" I asked with a played mad face. "What did I know?" Charles asked with a smirk. "You knew about Daniel's proposal... You are such an idiot" I said laughing and hugged him. "Thanks for everything what happened two days ago. You are a hero"

After I arrived back home, I played the piano for a while. It just always made me unbelievable happy and forget about everything, just for the moment. And I did forget everything. I had a huge shock when suddenly Daniel, Steve and the two kids were standing next to me. "Oh lord you scared me!" I said laughing and stood up to welcome Steve. "Hi Steve, nice to see you again" I said and hugged him. "Hello Sarah, thanks for letting us come!" Steve replied and smiled. "And hi you two sweeties!" I said and went to the kids. I kneeled down in front of them and both hugged me. "Sarah! We missed you and Daniel so much!" The girl, her name was Chloe, said and went to Daniel who hugged her with a sweet smile. Jason, the boy, staid with me and I picked him up.

"What do you say about a barbie in the garden this evening?" Daniel asked. "A what?" I said laughing. "A barbecue. That's one of these Aussie words" Steve said and laughed too. "Damn I hate the Aussie slang" I said and went to the balcony. The two men and Chloe followed me and we sat down in our lounge. "So how long do you want to stay here in Monaco?" I asked Steve. "Well, if it's okay we would like to stay here a week... We just had big problems with my Ex-wife and had to leave..." He replied and looked on the floor full of sadness.

"Papa, adults are boring! Can you play with us?" Chloe asked her dad. "No honey, I am having a conversation, I won't play with you." Steve said and continued the conversation with Daniel and me. Daniel gave Chloe a sign to go over to him so she did. "Come with me, I have bought something for you and Jason" He whispered in her ear and went inside with her. Jason, who was sitting on my lap, jumped up and ran after them. "You have two absolute adorable children" I said to Steven. "Yeah they are my everything. And you, are you planing to have children?" He asked curiously. "Actually yes. Well- Listen nobody apart from Daniel and Charles knows, but I am actually pregnant." I said an smiled a little bit. "Oh my god, congrats! Thats wonderful! You'll be an amazing mom! Definitely better than my ex wife..."

"Daniel, what are we doing?" Chloe asked as Daniel took a big bag out of a case. "I have bought a trampoline. And we'll install it in the garden so you can jump on it" Daniel replied and smiled at the two kids. They went back to the garden and installed the huge trampoline next to the pool. "Let's go kids, it's time to have some fun!" Daniel said and went on the trampoline. He played with the kids and even jumped from the trampoline in the pool. My heart was melting and I knew, that Daniel was going to be the best father ever.

Dear future husband (Daniel Ricciardo ff)Where stories live. Discover now