Stressed out

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After six days, I was able to go home again. Sadly, Charles and Daniel were away, as they had to go to the next grand prix. When I entered my apartment, I went to my home-office and started my laptop. I had many E-Mails, but only two of them were important.

To: Sarah Mary Harrison (You)
Re: Important E-Mail

Dear Sarah.
It's very sad to read these letters... I know, this is a very serious E-Mail, but I have to say some personal things. I know you since you are a baby. Your father and I have been best friends since middle school. You were at my house very often when you were little. I hope you remember that, because you always called me uncle Mattia. You really loved spending time with me and my wife. But that's not the point. The point is, that you have always been like a daughter for me. You were always a very very important person for me. I love you the same as I love my own children. Seriously.
I want to apologise for everything I said. I can see, that I hurt you with my words. I know you. You wouldn't write in english. You wouldn't write so formal. I am sorry. I know, it's unforgivable, but I want you to know, that I feel really sorry.
If you really want to leave our team, I completely understand that. You can always come back. As long as I am the team boss, you'll always be welcome. But if you want to stay, that's of course also okay and we would all be very happy about it. You are an important part of our team and all of your co workers love you.
Thank you for everything Sarah. I hope you will make a decision which is good for you. I hope, you will be happy with Daniel and I wish you all the best.
I will be there for you. Always and forever. If you need me, my doors are open for you. This weekend, I am not at the grand prix, as my doctor didn't allow me to fly because of my ear-problems. So if you want to talk with me personally, I am at home. Like I said, my doors are open for you.

All the best.
The man who sees you as his non biological daughter

I had to fight tears when I read his message. It was written in such beautiful and careful words. I forgot everything bad he said before. All the words that hurt me so much, they were away. I smiled at my screen and thought about what Mattia wrote. But then I saw, that I had another message. I clicked on it and saw, that it was from the F1 administration.

To: Sarah Mary Harrison (You)
Re: Application

Dear Ms. Harrison
Thanks for your application in our media team. We've looked at your application carefully and decided, that you are perfect for the position as the team leader of the media department. We would love to invite you to sign the papers in two weeks. The address is:

Chemin de Blandonnet 2,
1214 Vernier/GE

Please be there on Thursday in two weeks at 2pm. If you have any questions or don't want to sign the papers, you can always get in touch with us.

Yours sincerely,
Michaela Mayer, organizer FIA jobs

"Damn" I said loud. In one way, I was really happy about the E-Mail.  But on the other hand, I was overwhelmed and didn't know what to do. So I grabbed a good book and went to the park. I had to read a bit, so I would clear my mind and decide what to do.

After a few hours reading in the park, I felt a cold hand on my shoulder. "Sorry, who are- Arthur...?! Hi, nice to see you!" I said and hugged the brother of my best friend. "Nice to see you too! What are you doing here? You look pretty stressed..." He said and sat down next to me. "Yeah I am stressed... But it doesn't matter... How are you doing?" I replied and tried not to talk about my problems. "I am doing good, thanks for asking. But you are not Sarah, what's wrong?" He asked and looked at me with a serious face. "I- Okay. I will tell you. But I haven't told anyone so please keep quiet... I quit my job at Ferrari... And I applied at the FIA as a the team leader for the media... But now Mattia wrote a wonderful E-Mail and now I don't know what to do..." I replied and put my head back.

Arthur laid his arm around me and I laid my head on his shoulder. "Do what you think is the right choice." He said and stroked my hair. "Thanks lil' Leclerc." I replied and smiled. My head was still on Arthur's shoulder, when a Paparazzi did a photo of us. "Argh, I hate these guys so much" Arthur said and laughed. "Me too. Such bad idiots."

The same evening, I was laying in my bed and wanted to sleep, until I got a text from Daniel. I thought he just wanted to say good night, so I was happy about the text. But when I grabbed the phone and saw the text, my smile immediately disappeared. 
D: Sarah, what the fuck did you do with Arthur?!
Me: What?
D: The photos on Instagram... Please tell me you didn't cheat on me with your best friend's little brother...
Me: Babe, I would never! He just cheered me up!
D: What happened?
Me: Long story...
D: I have time!
Me: Can we talk about it when you are back?
D: No, I want to know now.
Me: I quit my job.
D: You did what?!
Me: I quit my job. I'm sorry, I should've told you...
D: Why did you tell Arthur first?!
Me: I am sorry babe...
D: Good night Sarah
Me: Are you mad?
D: Yes
Me: Okay...  I love you
D: See you tomorrow.

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