Spielberg Grand Prix (1)

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The next day, I woke up in Charles' arms. I slept very good, after what Charles said to me. I carefully turned around to see if he was awake. He was. And he smiled at me with that typical sweet smile I know from him. "Good morning, how did you sleep?" He said and stroked my cheek. "I slept amazing, thank you" I smiled at him and he stood up. He went to the kitchen and I went to the bathroom. I took a shower, put one some comfortable pants and one of Charles' sweaters. I braided my hair into a loose bun and went to the kitchen, where Charles has made breakfest for us.

"Thanks Charlie, it looks delicious" I smiled and took a waffle. I put some Nutella on it and took a bite. Charles opened the balcony door and the warm monegasque sun was shining inside. We both went outside and drank a coffee when suddenly my phone rang. "Sorry, it's my mother" I said and picked it up.

"Hey mom! How are you?"
"Good morning Sarah! I am great, thanks, I just wanted to tell you that I am home and you can come too"
"Oh yeah, great news. I am still at Charles' flat but I am home in an hour"
"Ask Charles if he wants to come too"
"I will, thanks mom. See you later"
"Yeah see you"

My mother ended the call and I looked at Charles. "She is home and asked if you want to come too." Charles laughed. "What's funny about that?" I laughed too, but only because I didn't get why he was laughing. "She just loves me, that's funny" He was right. My mother loves him. She treats him like he was her own son. I love to see them together. Sometimes I feel like she likes him more than me, but I am pretty sure she doesn't.

"Mama, I missed you so much" I hugged my mother and gave her a little package. "I missed you more my dear! Oh, what is that? Thank you!" She opened the package and it was a souvenir from Miami, a little surfboard. I also gave Charles and my little sister one. We've spent a few hours at my mothers house, when Charles asked me, if I wanted to come to the Spielberg grand Prix. My mother was okay with it. And I mean I am a grown up, I can do what I want. The problem was, that Charles would already go tonight, so I went upstairs and packed my suitcase.

*We skip the time and are in Spielberg at the paddock, already checked in the hotel, already slept there one night ;)*

I was sitting in the Ferrari garage waiting for Charles after the first training, when I heard that someone called my name. I turned around and saw Daniel with a big smile on his face. "Daniel!" I jumped off my chair and hugged him. "How nice to see you! How are you doing?" I asked and he laughed. "I like it how happy you are to see me, I didn't expect you to be this happy" We talked for a while until Charles finally came back. "Hey guys, nice to see you together" He laughed and I smiled at him. "Yeah, we didn't see each other for a long time, I missed the honey badger" Both men smiled. "That's sweet" Daniel was still smiling. "But I have a meeting, I am sorry" He quickly hugged me and then went to the McLaren garage.

"You like Daniel, right?" Charles said with a smile on his face. "Oh yeah, he is a nice guy and an amazing friend!" I said, but Charles didn't really seem happy with my answer. "No, I mean... Don't you have a crush on him?" He asked and I started laughing. "No! Daniel? He is to old for me" I laughed. It was true. I've never had feelings for any of the F1 drivers. Well... There was one exception: Max. But he has a girlfriend, and I was okay with that.

Charles walked away and entered his car for Fp2, where he finished 1st. I was so proud of him! After he left the car, he came to me and hugged me. "Great job Charles!" I said and he smiled. "I just needed a hug, that's why I drove so fast" He said. I laughed and waited in his drivers room until he was finished with showering so we could go back to the hotel. We shared one room, we always did.

After Charles was finally finished, we walked back to our hotel and sat on the balcony. "And you really have no feelings for Daniel?" Charles asked. "No, i don't. Why do you think so?" I was a bit confused. He already asked me this a few hours ago, why did he ask the same thing again? "I was just wondering" He smiled and I saw, that he wasn't telling the truth. "Charles Marc Hervè Perceval Leclerc! I want the full truth!" I  laughed because he hated it, when I called him by his full name. "Okay, okay... I try to find a boyfriend for you. You seem so lonely and I am pretty sure that you need a boyfriend" I spilled my ice tea when I heard that. "You what?! You can't do this! I am happy alone and you know that I am done with men! I don't need a boyfriend. The only thing he'll do is breaking my heart. I don't need this pain."

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