Country roads

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*2 months later*

"Daniel, don't forget your vitamins!" I screamed after my fiancé before he entered his car to drive to the Italian GP. He ran back upstairs and gave me a kiss. "Thank you babe, I nearly forgot it. Are you ready to go?" He said and took the bottle of vitamins. "Yeah I am" I replied and we walked downstairs. I opened the door and sat into the car.

After Daniel started the engine, I plugged in my phone and started music. "What song would you like to listen babe?" I asked. "Country roads. It's the best road trip song ever. The perfect start of a three hour trip" The man driving the car replied. So I opened Spotify and started the song. We both sang along and had much fun listening to it.

The whole three hours, Daniel and I sang along to songs we love. When we finally arrived, we entered the hotel and went to our room. "I'll go and see the paddock, do you want to come with me?" Daniel asked after we've put all our clothes into the wardrobe. "Yes sure, that would be amazing" I replied and got ready to go to the track.

When we arrived at the track, we went to Daniel's motorhome. We said hi to some guys from McLaren and then went for a track walk. After a few meters, I heard somebody say my and Daniel's name. I turned around and saw Pierre walking towards us. "Pierre!" I smiled brightly and waited until the french boy was with us. I fell in his arms and he kissed my forehead. "How are you my dear?" He asked and smiled at me. "Hey Pierre" Daniel said and patted him on the shoulder.

Pierre, Daniel and I completed the track walk together. "What are you doing this evening? My unbelievable kind boyfriend has decided to leave me for tonight and go to a dinner with some friends." I asked Pierre and laughed. "Hey, be nice!" Daniel complained and laughed too. "So you are asking me to do something with you?" Pierre asked with a smirk on his face. "Yeah I am" I replied.

After Daniel and I spent the whole day together at the track, we went back to the hotel. Daniel looked at the wardrobe and seemed very overwhelmed. "Does someone need help?" I asked laughing and stood up. I had a quick look at all the clothes he had in there and took out a black shirt. "You own black shirts?! Daniel that's the most attractive thing guys can wear, why didn't you wear it the last two years? And why did you take it with?! Put on. Now!" I said overjoyed and laughed. "Don't be so bubbly babe, I'll put it on" He said and kissed me to make me shut up. He took the shirt and put it on.

"Oh. My. God. You look stunning..." I said when I saw him with the shirt. He always looked great, but the black shirt was in another league. "Thanks ba- Fuck I am going to be late, I have to go!" Daniel said and got very stressed. He gave me a quick kiss, ran to the door and left. I laughed because of his energy and laid down on the bed.

Me: Pierre, do you have time right now?
Pierre: Yeah sure, what's up?
Me: Well, Charles and Daniel have no time so can we meet?
Pierre: Yeah, I already told you :)
Me: Perfect :) I have to tell you something ;)
Pierre: Ohh I am excited 😀 Where do we meet?
Me: The paddock club?
Pierre: I'll be there in ten minutes.
Me: Perfect 👍 Me too :)

Ten minutes later, I arrived at the coffee at the paddock club. Pierre was already waiting for me at my favourite table. "Hey Sarah, how are you?" Pierre said and hugged me. "Perfectly fine, thank you" I replied while we both sat down at the table. We ordered two coffees.

"So Sarah. What did you want to tell me?" Pierre asked and took a sip of his coffee. "I haven't told anyone yet, so please keep it a secret" I said. "Oh, yeah, of course." Pierre replied and looked very excited. "Okay, thank you. Soooo... I know the gender of my baby!" I said in a very excited voice. "Oh my god that's amazing!" Pierre said and looked unbelievable happy. "It is! Do you want to know it?" I asked with a bright smile. "Yes yes yes yes! I have to know it!" Pierre said and gave me golden-retriever vibes. "It's a girl" I said laughing.

After Pierre and I talked about what stupid things he wants to buy for my little girl, we went for a walk in the city. "What do you think, how should I tell Daniel?" I asked. "I wouldn't just tell him. I think I would make a surprise out of it. Maybe you could give him a pink romper or something..." Pierre replied and I loved the idea. "Yeah, this idea is great! Is the store still opened? Yes, it is! Do you mind going to the store and buy one with me?" I asked with very much energy. "No of course we can go!"

We went to the hotel where Pierre's car was parked. I entered his Aston Martin and he drove to the mall which was opened until ten. We entered the mall and looked at the plan of all the stores. Of course, my social anxiety said hi and I was unbelievable overwhelmed with all the people and the many stores. "Damn, where do we have to go?" I asked stressed. "Let's try Salina, it's a baby store"

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