Spearmint Gum

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When I arrived at the hospital the next day, the doctor was in Danny's room. He came to me and shook my hand. "Good Morning Ma'm, good to see you. We have good news about Mr. Ricciardo. He can already try to walk again today. It would be amazimg if you could support him." He said and I smiled. "Of course I will support him, that's why I am here" I said and walked to Daniel.

"Hey beautiful" He said with a sweet smile in his face. "Hey you little charmer. How do you feel today?" I said and wanted to kiss his cheek, because the doctor was still thinking I was Daniel's girlfriend. But Daniel turned his head and I accidentally kissed him on the lips. It felt very good. But what did I feel? It was something else than with Lando, but I didn't know what it was.

After the doctor finally left, Daniel smirked evil. "Thanks for the kiss, your lips taste like cherry. Lando is a lucky man.. " He said and laughed. "Is he? Well, thanks I guess... But that was not nice! But well, now the doc believes us even more" I said and then laughed too.

"Are you hungry?" I eventually asked. "Yeah, a little bit. Why do you ask?" He replied. I had an amazing plan how we could practice walking again. "Stand up and we'll go to the restaurant downstairs." I said and gave him my hand to help him stand up.

He finally handled to stand up and I supported him with standing. We slowly walked to the elevator and went downstairs. Then, we slowly went to the canteen of the hospital and drank a coffee. "I am proud of you Daniel" I said and he smiled. "Thank you Sarah. Really, thank you. I guess you saved my life..." He then said and continued drinking his coffee.

After one week hard practice, Daniel was fit again. The doctor said that his healing process was much faster than normal. But Daniel was nearly top fit again. After the summer break in a few months, he could start driving again.

Because Daniel was doing much better, he was allowed to leave the hospital. As his team wasn't here anymore and his hotel wasn't avaiable anymore, he came to my room. I had a bed for two and I really didn't mind to share a hotel room with Daniel.

After we arrived at the hotel, Daniel had a great idea: "Do you want to do a little trip to the city? I'd love to go shopping with you" Of course I agreed because I love shopping, so we went to the city only one hour later.

We went to eat an ice cream, bought some fancy clothes and lastly went to an ice cream shop, where we enjoyed seven bowls of ice. It was really funny and we laughed a lot. It even started to rain and Daniel gave me his coat, because I was freezing. After a while, we were sitting at a bench in a mall, he looked at me and smiled. "Could you do me a favour and go buy me some chewing gum?" He then asked. "Sure, spearmint, right?" I asked and he nodded. So I stood up and bought him some chewing gum.

When I came back, Daniel wasn't on the bench anymore. Our bags were still there, so I assumed, that he just went to the toilet quickly. But after a few minutes, he came out of the jewelery store and walked back to me. He grabbed my wrist and we went to his car immediately.

"What is happening Daniel?" I asked confused. "No worries, I just needed to go somewhere where less people are. I'll drive to the hotel" He replied and drove to the hotel. After he stopped the car, he gave me a box.

"Oh, thank you! What is it?" I asked and looked at the box. "Open it" He said and looked at me excited. I removed a little band what was around the box and then opened it. I was shocked, as I saw what it was. "Daniel, this is so expensive! What is that for?!" I asked still in shock. He took the box away from me and took out the content.

It was a Richard-Mille watch. On the backsite, something was engraved. I looked closer at it, and read what it said:

For everything you did for me, thank you from the bottom of my heart

- Daniel

I got tears in my eyes and fell around his neck. "Thank you so unbelievable much Danny... You really didn't have to...." I said, but he just smiled. "Darling, you probably saved my life. I think you really deserve this present from me"

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