Is it love?

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The next morning I woke up in Charles' arm. No, it wasn't Charles, but I thought he was. Until I carefully turned around to see if he was still asleep. I had a huge shock when I saw, that it was Lando. I didn't remember anything. Why the hell am I in his bed?! And did we- No... Please not... But then I realised that I was wearing the jumpsuit from yesterday. I started remembering. We were hanging out with some friends of Lando. And drinking very much. I felt that I had a hangover, but it wasn't to bad.

After a few minutes, Lando also woke up and smiled at me. "Good morning Sarah, how did you sleep?" He asked and smiled at me. "I think I slept pretty good, how about you?" I asked nervously because he was scanning me again with his gaze. "Not bad, but I can't feel my arm. You slept on it" He laughed and I was shocked. "Oh no, I am so sorry! Why didn't you say something?! I- I feel so bad for you-" He laughed because I was paniking so bad. "Calm down, it's okay. I just didn't want to wake you up, that's all." He smiled and then stood up. "I've put you to my bed because I didn't know where you had your room-card, so I'm sorry if you were wondering. Nothing happened, don't you worry" He said while putting on his jumper. "Do you want to go over to your room and get dressed? So we can go and eat together. I will pick you up in twenty minutes, okay?" I nodded and went to my room.

On my way, I bumped into Charles, who seemed surprised to see me. "Where have you been last night? I missed you" He said and smiled at me. "I was at Lando's room... We were all very drunk apart from Lando so he drove me home" I explained. "And where are you even going?" I asked. "I was on my way to search you. I was worried about you. After you kissed two guys yesterday I didn't know what happened to you..." Charles said and I was in shock. "WHAT DID I DO?! FUCKING HELL, WHO?!" I said in complete panik. "Calm down, it were only Lando and Daniel. I think you kinda like McLaren guys" He said and started laughing. I carefully slapped him and went to our room. He followed me and didn't stop laughing, while I was still shocked about what I did.

After I changed my outfit, I put on some make up, so I didn't look too bad. "I told Lando that I am going to have breakfast with him, he's going to pick me up very soon, only for you to know." I've put on some high-heels and right after, Lando knocked at the door. I ran to the door and opened it. "Hey" I said and he smiled at me. "Does Charles come with us?" He asked and I looked at Charles. "No, I am going to have breakfast with my team. Enjoy your meal" He said with a smile on his face and pushed me out of the room. He closed the door and I started laughing. "He is such an idiot" I said and we went downstairs to the restaurant.

Lando and I ordered some food and chatted a bit with each other. "You still owe me a date, you know that right?" He said and smiled. "Yeah I know. Do you also fly back to Monaco today?" I asked. "Yeah, why?" Lando said and seemed a bit confused. "Well, let's go for a walk then. Is this a good date? I mean Monaco is beautiful... Today evening?" I said and saw how Lando's face slowly turned into a smile. "This sounds great. Today at 7pm would be great. Do you have time then?" He asked. "I do always have time for you Mr. Norris." I said with a smirk on my face.

Two hours later, I was sitting in the airplane to Monaco. Charles was sitting next to me and I was thinking about the date I would have in a few hours. I was very excited, but I didn't want to tell Charles. But he knows me to good. "What's wrong with you? You seem so happy and nervous at the same time." He said and looked at me. "Damnit! I didn't want to tell you... But I have a date in Monaco." "With who?" He asked surprised. "Lando." I said and looked at the ground. "Finally" He said and laughed.

Back at home, I went to my room in our house. Nobody was home, because it was Monday. Arthur and Luna were in school, Papa was at work and Mama was at the golf club. I opened my wardrobe and searched something I could wear. I couldn't decide for minutes, but then finally took a normal white T-Shirt and an oversized blazer. I put on some cozy pants and my Vans, then I went to the meeting point, where Lando was already waiting for me.

"Hey beautiful girl, how are you?" He said and hugged me. "Charmer" I said and laughed. "I'm good, what about you?" I asked. "I am always good when I am with you" He said and we started walking around the port. The sun slowly started to set and the sea looked very beautiful. We sat down on a bench and started talking about god and the world. "In Spielberg you said you didn't want a boyfriend, right? Do you still think the same?" Lando asked in a calm voice. "Well, I don't know... I don't know if I want to love someone... Or if I do... I have no idea what is going on in my heart..."

"Can I show you something?" Lando grabbed my hand without waiting for my answer and pulled me to a spot where the view on the sea was unbelievable beautiful. There was a wonderful pink-orange sunset and there were already some stars at the sky. Lando grabbed my hands and looked in my eyes. "I have no idea if this a good idea, but I gotta say something what was on my mind for a really long time... Sarah... I-" I laid my finger on his lips and started stroking his cheek. "Me too Lando." He smiled at me, laid his hand around my hips and kissed me. The kiss was very similar to the kiss yesterday. It had so much love in it. So much desire. It was the most beautiful feeling in the entire world.  

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