Lots of butterflies

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Two weeks later, I was standing in front of the mirror in my bathroom. I was wearing a blue dress with white high heels. Now, I was doing my make up. I decided to do a plain make up, as I didn't want to look to pompous. Only a few seconds after I finished my make up, the doorbell rang. "What a timing" I said to myself and opened the door.

"Woah, good morning beauty, you look stunning today!" Daniel said and smiled at me brightly. "You too, really fine" I replied and hugged him. "Are you ready to go?" Daniel asked while standing at the door. "Only my bag, then we can go" I said and ran to my room, where my bag was. I grabbed it and went back to Daniel.

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(The outfits are something like that, imagine how you want :)

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(The outfits are something like that, imagine how you want :)

We finally left my apartment and started walking to the port. "Isn't Charles invited?" Daniel asked. "Of course he is. But he goes with Charlotte, so I wanted to ask you to be my accompaniment." I replied. He smiled and laid his arm around me. "That's really nice of you, I am very happy to spend time with you" He said and smiled even more. We walked further and went to the port. "Why do they even marry at the port? It's not a usual place for weddings..." Daniel asked. "They met here and went here every single day. I think it's their special place or something like that." I replied. "I like the port. But I would never marry there" Daniel said. "Daniel. To marry you need a girlfriend. I don't think you have one" I said and laughed. Daniel looked at me with a played sad face. "Not now dear, but I will have one soon" He said and smirked.

After the ceremony at the port, it was time for the food. We went to a hotel, which was reserved for the wedding guests, so there were no other guests in the hotel. Daniel and I went to the table with our names and sat down there. It was right next to Arthur and Mia. We enjoyed the food and then went to the party-room. It was huge. There were many chairs and a huge dance floor, where Arthur and Mia started dancing. A photographer, which was there the whole time, did many pictures of them. After they finished their dance, he went to all the guests and did pictures of them. Most of the guests were either couples, alone or families. He made really sweet photos of them. Then, he came to Daniel and me. "Do you want to make the photo together or separated?" Daniel and I looked at each other and then finally agreed. Daniel laid his arm around me and the photographer did a sweet picture of us.

"You are a really sweet couple" He said, smiled and walked away. I laughed, but didn't correct him. "He's right. You would be a great couple" Arthur said to me. I didn't notice, that he was standing next to me, so I got a huge shock. "Arthur, no!" I said and he laughed. "Let's dance" Daniel said and pulled me on the dance floor. "But Daniel I can't dance!" I said and giggled. "I am sure you can" He said and laid his hands on my hips. I was a bit nervous at first, but then laid my hands around his neck and we started dancing. I was feeling his warm breath on my skin and got huge butterfies. We danced to the song "la vie en rose" and really enjoyed it. It went very well, and we didn't realise that everyone was looking at us. Only after we finished the dance and everyone applauded, we noticed it. We both laughed and Daniel hugged me.

"Like I said, you would be so good together" Mia, the bride, said after Daniel and I went back to the table. "You are made for each other" Arthur added and smiled at us. They stood up and went back to the dance floor. Now, Daniel and I were sitting alone at the table. "Do we want to go outside quickly?" Daniel asked and smiled. I agreed and we went outside. It was already dark and the moon was shining very brightly. We sat on a sweet little bench and looked at the stars.

"The sky is beautiful. I love it so much" I said and laid my arm around Daniel. he leaned his head against mine and stoked my hand. "Just like you" He said and I was confused. "What?" I asked. "Beautiful like you" He said and let go of my hand. He turned to me and looked deeply in my eyes. He tried to say something, but just swallowed nervously and said nothing. "Thanks charmer" I said and gave him a soft smile. He was still staring at me and didn't look away. I also started to scan his face from top to the bottom.

"You have dry lips, do you?" Daniel asked after a while staring. "Y- yes I do..." I said and laughed a bit. I was surprised that he noticed it. "Do you have a lip balm or something" The brown haired man next to me asked. "No, I don't think so. But it's not to bad, I can live with it" I said and smiled nervously. I was really confused about what was happening in this moment. "But I do" He replied after a while. He laid his hands on my cheeks and got closer to me with his face. I knew what was happening next and got really nervous.

Daniel started stroking my cheeks and then - finally - kissed me. The kiss felt different than all the other kisses before. It was full with energy, full with love and butterflies. No guy I've ever kissed before gave me this feeling. Neither the three other times I kissed Daniel. But this time, it was the best kiss I have ever had. And in this moment, I was more sure than ever before, that I really love Daniel.

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