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When I woke up the next day, Charles was still sleeping. So I stood up and went on the deck of the boat. I laid down on a lounger and read a book. I loved reading in the sun, especially in the morning. I felt the warm sun on my skin and really enjoyed it. But suddenly, someone hugged me from behind and laid his head on my shoulder. I got a terrible shock because I didn't hear anyone standing up, but when I looked at the person, I was really happy. "Holy shit you scared me Daniel!" I said and laughed. Daniel walked around me and sat down on the lounger next to me. "I know, that was my plan" He said and laughed too. "How did you sleep?" He then asked. "Not bad, but not long enough, I am damn tired" I replied. He smiled in a way that made me know that he had a plan. "No Daniel, no bad ideas please" I said and laughed. "Ah, you know me to well." He laughed. "It's not a bad idea. Just an idea which make us wake up a bit better. What about a morning-swim in the sea?" I liked the idea. So I agreed and went to the cabin and put on my swimsuit.

When I went back to the deck, Daniel was already waiting there. He looked good. To good for my taste. I had to pull myself together not to keep staring at him, but it was really hard. "Come on, the water is really warm!" He said and jumped in the water. I laughed and walked to the edge of the boat. "Is it really warm?" I asked. He was shaking, so I knew that the water wasn't really warm. "Yep, abso-bloody-lutely" He said with an evil smirk and pulled me in the water. I fell in the water with a scream. "You little rascal!" I said and laughed. The water was bitter cold. "I thought you needed some help to get in the water" Daniel said and laughed. I played to be mad and tried to catch him, but he swam away.

After nearly a half of an hour later, we went back on the boat. George, Carlos, Pierre and Lando were sitting at the table and eating breakfast. "Oh, look who's here" George said and laughed. "You are a little bit wet" Lando said and laughed too. "Yep, probably because the sea is made of water." Daniel said and laughed. "Water is wet?! Oh my- I didn't know that!" I said and nearly died because of laughter. I put on a thin dress and set down at the table. "You still look great, even your hair is dripping." George said. I blushed. "Thank- Thank you" I replied and smiled. After a while, Charles also came to us. "Morning guys" He said and sat down next to me.

The whole breakfast, I had eye contact with Daniel. I had this feeling again; the feeling I couldn't describe. I still didn't know what it was. But I tried to ignore it. And it wasn't even that hard, because I noticed George staring at me. The whole breakfast. Why was he doing that? I had no idea. But I ignored that too and just enjoyed my coffee and the pancakes. "Guys, what do you think about going into the water?" Pierre eventually asked. "Yep, of course!" Lando said very motivated, took off his shirt and jumped in the pool. Pierre, Charles and George did the same and jumped after Lando. Carlos, Daniel and I were still sitting at the table and laughed.

"Crazy idiots" Carlos said and laughed. "Absolutely. But I think I'll go in the water too." Daniel said and slowly went to the pool, even using the ladder. "He's a nice guy, right?" Carlos said. "Yeah sure, he's such a great person. Always there for me and just the nicest person ever." I replied and smiled. It always made me really happy to think about the time I've spent with Daniel. "You like him, right?" Carlos asked. "Yeah of course, he is one of my best friends, I-" Carlos interrupted me. "No, not as a friend. Sarah I can see it. You love Daniel. And he loves you. Really much. Everyone knows that apart from you." He said. I was shocked about his words.

Was that feeling I never knew love? "I- You- What?" I said. I wasn't able to say more. "You heard me right, just think about it. You are an amazing woman, you deserve only the best." Carlos said with a smile and then stood up too. He went to the pool and joined the other guys. I went to the lounger and laid down there. I watched the guys swimming and having fun. I thought about what Carlos said. But I had no idea if he was right or not. Did I love Daniel? I knew him for such a long time. Why would I love him now? I had no idea.

After a few minutes, maybe twenty, Daniel came out of the water and came to me. He was soaking wet. "Why don't you join us dear? The water is really warm!" He said with a big smile. "I don't trust you anymore" I said and laughed. Daniel gave me a hug and my dress got wet because of him. "You see, it's warm" He said and smiled. "Okay okay, just give me a second..." I said and took off my dress. I noticed that George was staring at me again, but I didn't care and just went into the water.

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