The interview

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After Charles came back, we, Charles, Lando and I, have spent the whole day together. We went to a nice restaurant, took a walk in the rain and then went to the pool in the hotel. It was really fun and we laughed a lot. We went back to the room pretty early and watched some tv together.

The next day, the two boys went to the track very early, but I stayed at the hotel room. I still didn't tell anyone about my meeting with Mattia. I told the boys, that I was tired and wanted to sleep a bit longer. I felt really bad about that I lied to my two favourite men, but I wasn't ready to tell them.

After they left, I really slept two more hours, but then stood up and got dressed. I wore a red shirt and a black blazer. It looked very professional, so I thought that it was the perfect outfit for a meeting with the boss of Ferrari. Even the colours were the right ones, but at first I didn't even realise that. Only after I entered the office of Mattia and he said "lo intendono molto seriamente, indossano persino i colori giusti! (You are being very serious, you even wear the right colours)", I realised, how perfect my outfit really was.

I did the job interview with Mattia and I was very happy how it turned out. After we were finished, he looked at his papers, then he looked at me and smiled. "Ti conosco da un po', ma sono sorpreso.  Sei perfetta per il lavoro.  Se vuoi, puoi firmare qui ora e avrai il lavoro in due mesi (I've known you for a while, but I'm surprised. You are perfect for the job.  If you want, you can sign here now and you'll have the job in two months)"  He said and gave me a paper. I was super excited. I will get the job of my dreams, and it was so easy. "sto sognando in questo momento, vero? (I am dreaming right now, right?)" I said and laughed. Mattia shook his head and I signed the contract.

After I left the office, I was the happiest woman alive. I had the job of my dreams. I didn't need to continue studying and I was working at my save-place: The formula 1. I was working with my boyfriend, my best friend and a lot more friends of mine. I wanted to tell Charles and Lando, but I couldn't find them. Then I saw Daniel and walked straight to him.

"Hey beautiful, how are you doing?" He said with a very cute smile on his face. "Hey Danny, I am absolutely amazing, what about you?" I asked and smiled back at him. "I am good too, thank you. But why are you so happy? I mean I love to see that, but why is it so?" He asked with a questioning, happy face. "Can we go somewhere nobody can hear us? I'll tell you a secret." I said with a mysterious face. "Ohhh, sounds very interesting!" He said and we went to his drivers room.

"Here, nobody can hear us, here is a save place." He said and smiled. "But promise me you won't tell anyone, okay?" I said and he nodded. "Okay... I've got a job at Ferrari. I am going to work there as the boss of the social media team." I then said and Daniel looked very happy. "It was always your dream job, right?" He asked with a smirk on his face. Oh my god, that was so cute. He remembered a small detail I once said a few years ago. "Yes, that is right. It's very nice that you remember that" I said with a smile on my face.

After the second free practice, Lando came to me, as I was waiting for him in the garage. I went and hugged him. "Babe, we need to talk, just you and I, but go shower first and we go to a nice restaurant, okay?" I asked. Lando looked a bit scared but agreed and went to shower. After, we went to a nice Pizzeria and ordered some food. "So what did you want to talk about?" He eventually asked. "Don't get mad, okay?" I assured myself first. "Yeah sure, why would I get mad?" He said, grabbed my hand, stroked it and smiled at me. "Well, I didn't have a lie in today morning. I had a meeting with Mattia Binotto." I said and he looked confused. "Why did you have a meeting with Binotto?" He asked. "Well, I've got a job at Ferrari. As the leader of the media team." I said nervously and Lando smiled brightly. "Why would I get mad because if this?! This is amazing news! You'll always be with me, I love that" He was still smiling and then kissed me.

After our dinner, we went back to our room. Charles was watching tv, so i had the perfect opportunity to tell him the news. "Charlie, do you have time?" I asked and sat next to him  on the bed. "Yeah sure, what's up?" He asked and pressed the pause button. "Well, I don't want to beat around the bush for a long time. I have got a job at Ferrari. I am going to work with you as the boss of the media team." I said with a smile on my face. Charles was very happy and hugged me. "Wow, that's amazing, I am really looking forward to work with my muppet."

Guys, be prepared for a huge drama in the next part :) I can already tell you the name of it: THE WORST RACE OF MY LIFE

See you tomorrow :)

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