Dear Diary

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1st of August 2021:

Dear diary
The last few months were full with ups and downs. After I broke up with Lando, I didn't talk with him anymore. I am still very sad about what happened, but Daniel and Charles were there for me the whole time. I really don't know what they did different than anyone else, but they made me feel happy and confident again. After Daniel started driving again, I felt a bit lonely again. We've spent two months together. We met every day and did nearly everything together. When it wasn't race week, Charles was here in Monaco too, but most of the time, Daniel and I were alone. We went to the cinema several times, went for a walk nearly every day and we cooked a few times together. we were friends before, but we grew very close. We shared the same problem: Our partner cheated with the partner of the other one. But we got through this together.

I also started working for Ferrari a few weeks ago. I love my job. Working with the team of Ferrari, Mattia and Charles, it feels like the only thing I need in my life. As the leader of the media team, I feel really comfortable. My team is amazing and I have got many friends. Producing the videos for youtube and making the photos for Instagram is the best job ever. I also love it to travel to every single grand prix all over the world. I'm the happiest I've ever been. At this point of my life, I have nothing to complain about. Well, nearly nothing. I miss to have a boyfriend. But I think, I just haven't found the right guy yet.

In a few hours, Charles will come and pick me up for our little vacation on Pierre's Yacht. I am really looking forward, but I have one little fear. Lando will also be there. I am afraid of talking with him, but I guess I have to. I still don't know what I did wrong. And I also don't know if he is with Lisa or not. I don't know if it was an accident or on purpose. But well, I think I'll find out very soon. Charles told me, that I needed a new boyfriend. An I completely agree, but I have no idea who.

I think I should prepare myself now. Charles is going to be here in a moment. I'll write in here after the summer break again.

X Sarah

After I added this to my diary, I went to the bedroom, got dressed, did my makeup and grabbed my suitcase. Only a few minutes later, Charles arrived at my apartment and picked me up. "Hey muppet, how are you?" He said and hugged me. "I am doing great, thank you, what about you?" I asked.

We walked to the port where the Yacht was standing. Pierre, George, Lando and Carlos were already on the boat, and Charles and I joined them. "Good morning guys!" Charles said with a huge motivation. He seemed to be really excited to be here. I was too, but I felt a bit uncomfortable because I saw Lando. Charles and I went to the cabin we shared. Since I broke up with Lando, we shared the rooms and cabins again. Charles staid in the cabin for a while, but I decided to go back to the boys. I had a little chat with Pierre and Carlos, when Daniel entered the boat. I was overjoyed to see him, because I didn't see him for a few days. He walked towards me with a big smile and hugged me tightly. "Hey beautiful, how nice to see you" He said and I messed up his hair. "I'm happy to see you too" I replied.

We all spent the day together on the boat and went out to sea. Not to far away from the port, but somewhere where the water was deep enough to swim and dive. In the evening, we all sat in a lounge, drinking some cocktails. But after a while, Pierre, George and Carlos went to bed, because they were pretty tired. After Daniel and Charles left too, Lando and I were sitting there alone. I wanted to go away too, but I knew that I needed to talk with him. "Umm... Well, it looks like we both have to talk..." He said with an awkward smile. "Yeah... I think it's good when we finally clear up what happened..." I replied. "Can I finally explain the situation to you?" He said. "Yes, please Lando." He swallowed nervously and started talking. "Listen. That day all this happened... Lisa was following me the whole time. I asked her to come to my drivers-room and have a little talk with me. She came to my room and we were talking a little. But then I asked her to leave because I wanted to prepare for the practice. And then she stood up and kissed me. I didn't want that. I just couldn't defend myself and she did it. I want to officially apologise for what happened. Even it wasn't my fault..." He swallowed again and looked sad about what happened. I was shocked. It was really not what I expected. I stood up and hugged him. "I am sorry Lando... It's definitely not like I thought it was..." I said and a tear ran down my cheek. "I am sorry that I didn't let you explain the situation to me earlier... Really..." He stroked my back. "It's okay i guess... Maybe it's better that we aren't together anymore...But can we at least talk together again? I hated to hate you" He said and laughed a bit. "Of course. I missed you Lando. Not really as my boyfriend, but as the guy who always made me laugh."  

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