Of wins, job crisis and sex

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After Daniel came to me, he went over to David Coulthard, who was already waiting to make the interview. And after the interview was finally over, it was time for the podium. Daniel went up on it and did a shoey, which he shared with Charles but not with George. It was obvious why, but only the two guys knew the reason. I did photos of Charles and the rest of the podium as it was my job.

After the podium, Daniel went to the other interviews. "What was so important that you went back to your team again after you put off your helmet?" The reporter asked and Daniel laughed. "I had to see a very special person. I promised her I would win the race for her. And well, I hold my promises." Daniel replied with his typical smile and looked at me. "May I ask who this mysterious person is?" The interviewer wanted to know. "The love of my life. But I don't think that this is the right place to talk about her." Daniel replied and smiled.

After I did my job with the photos, I went to my office to edit the rest of the photos, when suddenly Mattia was standing next to me. "Ciao Mattia, coma stai?" I asked and smiled at him. But the smile quickly disappeared, when I saw his serious face. "Possiamo parlare? (Can we talk)" He said and gave me a sign to follow him. So I stood up and followed him to his office. "siediti." He said and of course I did what he said and sat down.

"Non voglio parlare troppo a lungo.  Stai uscendo con Daniel? (I don't want to talk too long. Are you dating Daniel?)" He asked. "Si... Ma dov'è il problema? (Yes, but where is the problem?)" I replied insecure. "non c'è problema. normalmente. Ma sento che ti sta distraendo. (Normally there is no problem. But i feel like he is distracting you.)" Mattia said without much emotion. "Ma... Però... No." I replied and got a bit mad. "O rompi con lui, ti concentri sul lavoro o lasci il lavoro.  Sarah, mi piaci davvero, ma non va bene quando non prendi sul serio il tuo lavoro. Mi dispiace. (either you break up with him, focus on work or quit work.  Sarah, I really like you, but it's no good when you don't take your job seriously. I am sorry)" Mattia said and went to the door. He opened it and gave me a sign to leave.

I immediately stood up and left the office without any more words. I was pissed off. Who does he think he is?! It's definitely none of his business who I am dating. And of course, Daniel is not distracting me. How does he even dare to say something like that?! I went back to the hotel and packed my bags. I wanted this week off more than anything else now. Of course I was happy for Daniel and Charles, but Mattia ruined the whole mood.

When Charles entered the room, he looked surprised about my bad mood. "Sarah...? Is... Everything okay?" He asked and sat down next to me on the sofa. "Yeah, I am absolutely fine" I said in a pissed off voice. "Definitely not. What happened dear?" Charles replied and looked a bit worried. "Oh nothing serious... It's just that Mattia nearly fired me. But he doesn't need to fire me. I will quit. I have seen enough of this shit!" I replied and started crying because of anger.

Charles gave me a tissue and stroked over my back. "Okay, when you start crying because of anger the problem is really bad. Why did he want to fire you?" He asked in a calm and relaxing voice. "Because I am dating Daniel." I replied and got even more mad. "Why does it bother him? No, I'll stop asking. I am going to talk with him." My best friend replied and stood up. "NO CHARLES. YOU WON'T! I DON'T WANT TO WORK THERE ANYMORE!" I screamed and he came back from the door. "Go and see Daniel. He's in his room. I think you need him right now." Charles said and was getting a little pissed off too.

I listened to him, stood up and went downstairs to the shop of the hotel. I bought a bottle of red wine and went to Daniel's room. But as I didn't want to ruin his good mood, I was hid my anger and smiled, when he opened the door. "Hey beautiful" He said with a bigger smile than mine and kissed me. "I have something for you so we can celebrate your win." I said as I walked in his room and sat down on his bed. "Yeah? That's kind" He replied and sat down next to me. I gave him the wine and he seemed to be really happy about it. "Yeah, alcohol is what we need" He said and laughed. "But first of all, I need to show you a sweet photo of our kiss." He added and grabbed his phone. He showed me a really sweet photo of our kiss after the race. It was the best photo I've ever seen in my life.

"Can we both post this on Instagram please?" I asked and he nodded. "Yeah sure. I'll post it and send you and invitation for the co author thing" He said and did it. The caption of the photo was: "So much love on one photo... I love you  😘❤️" I accepted the co-author invitation and kissed Daniel. "Now some wine. Just a glass. Or some more..."

After many glasses of wine, Daniel and I were really drunk. We were  making out the whole time and the kissed got more intense with each other kiss. "You know what you promised me yesterday?" I asked babbling. "Nah I don't darling, what was it?" Daniel replied and definitely didn't sound better than me. "You told me to show me the hotter version of you when we are back home" I said. "Oh yeaaaahhh I did! But we aren't home..?!" Daniel replied. "I know. But I want it now. I want you to see it as a reward for your win" I said and kissed him again. Even more intense than before. "You really want this? Okay, but you just have to know that you aren't able to walk anymore after we are done" Daniel replied and I nodded wildly. So Daniel started to put off my clothes and things were getting really spicy.

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