Here with me

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Ten minutes later, Charles and I were outside at the port of Monaco. Charles bought me an ice cream and we sat on a wall with a perfect view on the sea. "This always reminds me of our childhood" he said and laid an arm around me. "Yeah me too. And I love it" I smiled and enjoyed the warmth of Charles.

It was the most beautiful thing in the entire world to sit in exact this spot and watching the boats and the sun which slowly sets. We did that when we were ten and we still so it as often as we can. We both could forget everything around us and just enjoy each other. Nothing bad ever happens when we are sitting there with our ice cream. Well, nothing ever happened until now.

Out of nowhere, a man ran to me and held a gun on my head. "ALL OF YOUR MONEY LECLERC OR SHE'LL DIE!" He shouted and we both were shocked. But Charles stood up and punched the man in the face. "DON'T YOU DARE TO TOUCH HER!" He said and punched him one more time while I started crying. "IF YOU DON'T GO AWAY OR HURT HER I AM GOING TO BREAK EVERY SINGLE OF YOUR BONES!" Charles shouted and punched the man again. "You really think I'll just go away? Naive stupid F1 driver..." The man punched Charles in the face and he started bleeding. I handled to call the police without the man noticing and tried to stop the man. I screamed and cried but the men didn't stop fighting and punched each other until Charles was laying on the floor. I sneaked behind the stranger and I hit a wine bottle that was lying around on his head so he fell down. Charles stood up very quickly and ran to me. "Sarah are you okay?!" He looked at me with a worried face. "Yeah I am but you aren't! You are bleeding!" I was still crying because I was very worried about my loved best friend. He grabbed my wrist and pulled me in a tight hug. "Don't you worry about me darling, I am okay"
He didn't let go for several minutes until the police finally arrived. They arrested the man and Charles needed to go to the police station to answer some questions.

I went back to his apartment and watched some Tv. I was still so shocked and didn't stop crying. Why would someone attack my best friend? Does he have any enemies? What did he do wrong? Was it my fault? What if the guy still wanted to kill me? I was so scared. After three hours, Charles finally arrived at home and saw me crying. He took off his Jacket very quickly and came over to me. He sat next to me on the sofa and hugged me tight. He stroked my back and kissed my hair while I cried in his shirt. "I am here, you are safe with me" He said, grabbed my chin and made me look in his eyes. "Believe me, I will always protect you. The guy is in prison now. He is just a guy who is F1 fan and hates me, it's none of your fault. He wanted my money and we were at the wrong spot at the wrong time... I am sorry about that..." He needed to fight tears. This doesn't happen often. "Charles, you saved me, you don't need to apologize" I said. I was shocked about my weak voice, but at least I said something.

Charles kissed my cheek and stood up. He came back quite quickly and gave me a glass of ice tea. "That's homemade Leclerc-special Ice Tea, extra for you" He smiled and I drank it and smiled at him. "Thank you Charlie, I love you so much, never forget that." He smiled. "I love you too my muppet, always and forever." He looked at his watch. "Do you want to go to bed? I think we should better sleep to calm down and forget that day." "You are right"

I stood up and brushed my teeth. I put on my pyjama and went to Charles bedroom. "Can I sleep in your bed?" I asked and Charles looked a bit confused and started laughing. "Since we were seven we always sleep in the same bed when we are together, why shouldn't you sleep here?" He was right, we always sleep in the same bed. I was just to confused because of the attack. "You are right, I forgot that" I laughed about myself and I laid down next to him. "You are still shocked, that's okay" He smiled and turned around so he looked in my eyes.

I'll tell you something, and you need to promise me that you'll never forget that, okay?" He looked in my eyes and I just nodded. "When I hear your voice, I know I'm finally free, Every single word is perfect as it can be, and I need you here with me. I'll always be there for you because you are the most important person in my life. Girlfriends will come and go, but this, this friendship, this is forever. I love you Sarah, and I will never stop loving you until I die." I smiled at him, laid my head on his shoulder looked at him. "Thank you so much Charlie. I love you so much... And I promise you, that our friendship will always be more important for me than any relationship. I promise it." Tears were running down my cheeks because I was so glad and happy to have Charles. My best friend. The man I loved most in my life.

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