The worst race of my life

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The next day was pretty good and relaxed for me. I was sitting in the McLaren box the whole free practice and eventually for the qualifying too. The qualifying was very good for Charles, as he had the pole position. Also the McLaren boys had a very good qualifying and finished with P4 for Lando and P5 for Daniel. I was very happy with the result and slept peacefully.

The next morning, we all had a lie in and went to the track later. I was very excited, and was exceptionally sitting in the Ferrari garage, because the McLaren box was full with VIP guests. Well, actually I am a VIP too, but I hate I hate a lot of people in a bunch so I went to the Ferrari garage. All the seasons before, I was sitting there too, so I knew the guys there very well and had some friends in the mechanic team. Mattia allowed me to sit next to Xavier, so I did.

The race started very calm. Not much happened and nearly everyone held his position. But in lap 16, Zhou and Daniel had a terrible crash. Zhou made Daniel spin and then couldn't break anymore. He drove right into the side of Daniel's car. Daniel spun again and landed in the barriers with a hard impact. "FUCK, DANIEL!" I screamed out loud and was shocked. As I was wearing a headset, I heard everything that was going on on the radio.

"Daniel are you okay?" Tom, his engineer asked. But Daniel didn't reply. "Daniel, are you okay?" He asked again. Then, Daniel finally replied. "I can't feel my whole body Tom, please, I need help. Now! QUICKLY I CAN'T FEEL ANY FUCKING PART OF MY BODY!" I was shocked about his voice. It was so weak and tearful. "Calm down, the medical car is on the way, you'll be okay Daniel"  Tom said and tried to calm him down. "MY CAR IS CATCHING FIRE, I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE! I CAN'T MOVE!" Daniel said and was panicking.

The medical car finally arrived and they tried to get Daniel out of the car. I was crying and so scared about Daniel. Jeremy, a mechanic from McLaren, came to me and tried to calm me down, but I just couldn't. Because it was red flag, Lando came to the garage and ran to me. "Babe, it's okay, breathe and calm down..." He hugged me tight and kissed me on my head. "It's not okay... He is definitely not okay and that is not good" I said and cried in his suit.

They finally got Daniel out of his car and put him into a helicopter which went to the hospital. "Lando can I go to him?" I asked and he nodded. "Sure, I'm sure he'll appreciate it" He kissed me and stroked my cheek. "Please, stop crying, I can't see my baby crying."

After I finally calmed down and Lando went back to the track, I called a taxi and drove to the hospital. "Sorry ma'm, I am searching Daniel Ricciardo, can I see him?" I asked a lady at the reception. "Are you his girlfriend or wife? We can't let you see him otherwise" She said. I am a good liar and really wanted to see Daniel, so I decided that it's necessary to lie. "Girlfriend. I need to see him, please" so I said. "He is still under investigation, but you can wait in front of his room." She said and told me where he is.

I went to the room where Daniel was. I sat on a chair which was in front of it. Only one hour later, the doctor came out of the room. "Are you here because of Mr. Ricciardo?" He asked and I stood up. "Yes, I am, how is he doing, is he okay?" I asked hysterically. "Well, he isn't. I am sorry to tell you, but he is in a very bad condition. He is in a coma and his chances are very low." The doctor said and I started crying again. "But can- Can I see him?" I asked and was shaking very hard. "Yes, it would be good for him. He's probably in a type of coma where he is able to hear but not move or talk. So it's something like an awake-coma. You should talk a lot with him." He said and walked away.

I entered the room of Daniel and saw him laying in his bed. A chill ran down my spine when I saw him. He looked so innocent and helpless. "Hey Daniel... It's me, Sarah... The doctor told me you might hear me. So I will just talk with you... I guess..." I said and laughed a bit. I sat next to him on his bed and stroked over his hair. "You scared me you evil guy" I said and laughed with tears. I laid down next to him and hugged him around his neck. I firstly stroked his cheek and then his hair. "You can't leave me..." I was crying bitterly again. "You just can't... I need you, you are such an important person in my life... I love you so much, I can't lose you. The man who always listens to me... The man who would do everything for me... This one man who is one of the most important persons in my life... You know, Charles is my official best friend... But you, you are something else for me... I don't know what... I don't know what I feel for you, but it's something else than every other person I know... You are so special to me. And if you die, a part of me dies. You can't do that..." I laid my head on his shoulder and closed my eyes. I felt his breath and that made me feel very calm and chilled.

Even he didn't say anything, he was kind of letting me know he was okay. He was kind of letting me know, that he would fight for his life and won't allow that he needs to leave us. Because he is a fighter. And we both knew that.

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