Was it so obvious?

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After our kiss, Daniel and I left without any more words. I went home very happy, but without sleeping a second. This week, it was finally time for the dutch GP. I was very excited, because I loved this Grand Prix. The next few days, I've spent with Charles and my little sister, as my parents weren't home and no one else was there to take care of her. Charles and I took her to a amusement park, went karting with her and did a long hike in the mountains. The week went really fast and it was finally Thursday - the day we would fly to Zandvoort. 

The Ferrari team - included Charles and Carlos - were already waiting at the airport. We entered the aircraft and went to Zandvoort. Carlos talked a lot about Daniel, as if he knew what happened between the two of us. "How was the wedding of your brother? And how was your accompaniment?" He asked and smirked. I knew, that he knew to much, but I tried to ignore this fact and just replied. "The wedding was amazing. Really, really amazing. I loved it. And about my accompaniment... He's still a nice guy." Carlos smiled and gave me a look, which confirmed my theory that Daniel told him what happened.

After we landed, Charles and I went to our room. Charles was sitting on the bed, his smartphone in the hand. I was putting my clothes into the wardrobe and had a nice chat with him. "Do you want to tell me something my dear?" He suddenly asked. "W- what do you mean?" I asked and pretended to be surprised. Of course I knew what he was talking about, but I didn't want to just tell him. "You and Daniel. What is going on between you two?" He asked and put his smartphone away. He looked at me with an evil gaze. I knew, that I had to tell him what happened, because he wouldn't stop asking until I would say it.

"He kissed me. Is this answer good enough?" I finally said and went to the bed, Charles was sitting on. He smiled brightly. "I knew it! What did you feel? Was it good? Are you a couple now? Did he kiss soft or not so soft?" Charles asked like a four year old girl on Christmas. I laughed, because his energy was insane. "God Charles, calm down!" I said and laughed even more. Charles was still very excited and seemed to want to know every single detail about the kiss. "First of all: No, we are no couple. Yet. Did I say that loud?! Damn, no I didn't, right?" Charles started laughing. "You did darling, and I know that you are into him. It's obvious." I was shocked. "Was it so obvious?" I asked and he nodded with a smile.

The next day, before I had to start working, I went to the McLaren garage to say hi to the boys before the first free practice. "Oh, hey beautiful" Daniel said and smiled at me sweetly. "G'Day Dan" I replied and hugged him. "Are you ready for the free practice?" "Sure, I missed the fast cars driving in circles" Daniel replied and laughed. "Well, I have to go, but I am sure I'll see you later" I said and wanted to go, but Daniel stopped me. He grabbed my hand and pulled me back to him, what made me stand only a few centimetres away from his face. "We have to talk later. It's very important" He said in a calm voice and I kissed him quickly. "Sorry 'bout that... I'll meet you after FP2, okay?" I said and walked away.

The whole two practices, I was having an amazing feeling. That little talk with Daniel was really good for me. It were only a few words, but every word with Daniel was worth more than gold for me. But of course, I was nervous too. What did Daniel want to talk about? After the 2nd free practice was (finally) over, I immediately went to Danny's box. He was just looking at the results of the programs he did, so I waited patiently on a chair in the corner of the box.

After Daniel was finished and wanted to go to his drivers room, he saw me and came over. "You are here, thanks god." He said, grabbed my wrist and pulled me to his room. "You wanted to talk?" I asked nervously and sat down on a chair. "Yes. Because of what happened last Sunday... We didn't talk since our kiss..." Daniel started. "Yes, no worries, it's okay" I replied and smiled. "No... I mean..." He swallowed nervously. "I felt something. And I know I shouldn't, but... But I got feelings for you. Damn you are the most beautiful and sweet person I've ever met... You are so funny and always positive... You are such an inspiring person... And that's why I fucking fell in love with you. Because you are the most perfect girl ever. Sarah, I love you. And if you don't feel the same it's okay, I just had to tell you. Because I can't be just your friend anymore... It feels wrong to just be friends..." He said and looked at me with so many emotions. Fear, pain, love... I couldn't identify all of them.

"Wow... What a confession..." I said absolutely overwhelmed. He was still looking at me with a questioning and scared face. "Oh yeah, maybe I should reply" I said and laughed. "Please calm down and don't be scared like that. Because... You have nothing to worry about..." I continued and got closer to him. "Daniel Joseph Ricciardo, I love you" I kissed him and felt his smile, without even looking at him. I felt this electricity and love again.

After we detached from each other after a long kiss, Daniel and I smiled at each other. "Do you want to be mine, darling?" He carefully asked. "Wasn't that kiss a good answer?" I asked and laughed a bit. "What a shame, I forgot what it felt like, I guess you have to show me again" Daniel said and we both laughed, while we leaned in for another kiss. "I'm yours baby" I said and kissed him with all the love I had. And it was a lot of love.

(I fell in love with this chapter, I hope you guys like it as much as I do 🥺)

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