Only love can hurt like this

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After we arrived at my apartment, I immediately went to the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of wine. I wanted pour in a glass, but Daniel grabbed the bottle and put it back on the table. "Why did you do that?" I asked. My voice was still very weak and I was shocked about myself. "I know you Sarah, you won't stop after one glass. And alcohol doesn't solve your problems. Eat some ice cream or whatever, but please don't drink..." Daniel said and went to my fridge. He opened it and took the chocolate out of it. He opened the package and gave me a piece. "Thank you bodyguard" I said and tried my best to smile.

"Do you want to watch a funny movie? I think it's better than crying the whole day..." Daniel asked a bit later and smiled. I saw that the smile wasn't real and he was really broken inside, but I said nothing, because he gave his best to make me happy again. And as it would make Daniel forget about everything too, I agreed. So we went to the living room and started Netflix. "Can you choose the movie please?" I asked. I gave him the remote and he chose "young Frankenstein"

We watched half of the movie, when I got a notification on my phone. I looked at it and it was a message from Charles.

C: Where have you been in the free practice? I didn't see you anywhere... Are you okay? :)

S: I am home. Not doing to great... But Daniel is with me, I am fine, thanks Charlie <3

C: What happened? You never miss a Monaco Grand Prix! Should I come to you??

S: I caught Lando kissing another girl... But like I said, Danny is with me, just focus on F1 :) I'll watch the Quali and the race, but I just can't see Lando right now. Good luck in FP2 <3

C: Call me if you need me, okay? I'll come over later, but well, first Fp2 :) Be strong girl, you are a fighter <3

Me: I love you so much, thank you Charles <3

I opened the formula 1 app and looked who was fastest in FP1. I saw, that Charles was first- again. I was really happy for him. Also Carlos was very quick and 2nd. Lando had a dnf. "Lando didn't finish FP1, do you know what happened?" I asked Daniel. He grabbed his phone and opened the "McLaren F1 Team Groupchat". There was the video, where Lando had a spin. It wasn't a bad spin, but the car looked like it had much damage. "Bad for him and our team, but honestly, it's Karma. He deserves the crash." Daniel said and looked very mad. I stroked over his arm to calm him down. "We both know that he is a bastard" I said and laughed a bit.

After we finished watching the movie, we closed Netflix and watched some tv. But after a while, the doorbell rang. "Can you open please? I can't talk with anyone right now." I said and Daniel immediately stood up and walked to the door. He opened it and saw- Lando. "What do you want here?! Believe me, she doesn't want to talk with you." Daniel said and looked at Lando with a killer gaze. "I want to explain everything, please Daniel... I just want to apolo-" Lando started, but Danny interrupted him. "No. She fucking cried the whole morning because of you. And at the moment, her mood is much better, you can't ruin that." He said. I was wondering, where he staid so long, so I went to the door and saw Lando. "What are you doing here?!" My eyes filled up with tears as I saw him.

"Babe I want to explain what happened..." Lando said and Daniel looked very pissed off. "No. Not babe. I am not your babe anymore. Lando you hurt me. Pretty bad. To bad. I can't see you anymore. Go away and leave my apartment." I said in a tearful and mad voice. "But Sarah..." He tried to say, but Daniel stopped him. "She told you to leave. Didn't you hear it?" He said and looked even more mad. "Lando. We both are done. I don't need your explanation. It's over. And now leave. Or I will call the police" I said. It hurt so unbelievable bad, but I knew that it was the right decision. Lando looked at me with a broken and hurt face, but then finally left.

After Daniel closed the door after him, I couldn't hold it anymore and started crying bitterly again. Daniel laid his arms around me and gently stroked over my back. I cried in his shirt, and immediately felt much better. His nearness and warmth made me feel recovered and save. "Don't cry about this idiot... He doesn't deserve you..." He said and I heard, that he was close tears. "I loved him... But I think I hate him now..." I said and cried even more. Daniel tried everything to calm me down, but I just couldn't stop crying. So he carried me to my room and laid me into my bed. He laid down next to me and put my head on his chest. He stoked over my hair and I finally calmed down a bit.

I felt protected and save as I never felt before. Daniel made me feel so much better. And because of the warmth of his body, I fell asleep. It was only 6pm, but I slept peacefully. But suddenly, the doorbell rang again. I didn't notice it, as I was sleeping, but Daniel stood up and opened it. "Hey Daniel. How is she doing?" Charles, who was standing there, asked. "At the moment, she's asleep. But I couldn't calm her down for twenty minutes after Lando was here and she broke up with him. It was so terrible..." Daniel replied and a shiver ran down his spine.

After a little chat, Charles left again and Daniel went to the living room. He took his phone and texted Lisa:

You know what you did, I do too. I really thought this between us would work out, but well, you ruined it. I have no idea what I did wrong, but it seems like I did. Sarah just broke up with Lando because of you, and I'll give you the chance to be with him. It hurts very much, but I have to break up with you. Have a nice life, but please never talk to me again. And leave Sarah alone. Bye Lisa.

He sent it and throw the phone on the floor. He started crying and was broken inside. What did he do wrong? That was the only question, he asked himself all over again. He didn't know the answer. But maybe it was better for everyone, that all of this happened. How long did the affaire go? What made him sad even more, that his last relationship ended same as this one did. because he was desperate and didn't get any answers to his questions, he decided, that he would stay with me for the night and came to me in the bed. Right after he laid down, I laid my arm around his chest. I was still asleep, but I did it out of a reflex. And finally, he fell asleep too.

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