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The next morning I woke up next to Daniel; not wearing anything. I wanted to stand up, but I had a huge hangover and fell down on the bed again. So I decided to watch Daniel sleep and wait until he finally wakes up. I looked at him how he was sleeping so peacefully and calm. He locked so carefree and footloose.

Only a few minutes later, he opened his eyes and looked straight into my eyes. I smiled at him and stroked over his hair. "Good morning sleepyhead" I said and kissed him on his cheek. "Good morning love" He replied in a sleepy voice and tried to sit up. But, what a surprise, he had a bad hangover too and fell down on the bed again. "Oh, from where do I know that" I said and laughed.

"It was a bit too much wine yesterday I think" Daniel replied and smiled at me. "Yes. But it was a fantastic night..." I said and stroked over his chest. "Oh hell yeah it was. Honestly, this was the best sex I've ever had" He responded and kissed me. "True. But you have to know one thing, I love you. Not only because of that. Okay?" I said. "I know. I hope you know it too." Daniel replied and kissed me soft and careful.

After we finally stood up and took some medicine, we went downstairs to the restaurant, so we could eat breakfast. When we entered the dining room, Charles and Max smirked at us. It was a weird smirk and we didn't know what it meant, so we went to the buffet and got us some food. After, we went to the table of Charles and Max. "Morning guys" I Daniel said as he sat down. "Yeah, good morning guys" I added and sat down too. "Good morning doves" Charles said and  both had this smirk again. "What? Why are you smiling like that?" I asked confused.

"Did you enjoy yesterday?" Charles asked and laughed. "Yeah sure, we drank some wine and enjoyed the togetherness" Daniel said and Max laughed even more. "We know. It was pretty loud togetherness" He said. Daniel and I looked at each other in shock. "Fuck" I said and laughed embarrassed. "Yeah fuck" Daniel agreed and laughed too. He seemed to find it funny, but I didn't. I was so embarrassed about this story, I couldn't say more.

After the embarrassing breakfast, it was time to fly back home. As I've already packed my bags, I just needed to pick them up and go to the airport. Daniel and I walked through the airport, when a group of young people wearing Daniel's merch stopped us. "Can we take a picture with you both? We are you biggest fans!" One of them said. I saw, that Daniel was worried about me, because of that, I replied. "Sure. I love Daniel's fans" I said and we took a picture. "Didn't you once say you feel uncomfortable when there are fans?" Another guy asked. "Yeah I did. But when Dan is with me, I really don't mind. And you guys are really sweet, why would I say no." I replied. Daniel seemed to be really surprised but didn't say anything. "Ma'm? Could you maybe sign this poster for me? You are my idol!" A little girl asked and gave me a poster with the photo of Daniel and me kissing. Of course I signed it. "Don't you want Daniel to sign it too?" I asked and laughed. "No, just you. I want to become a F1 journalist when I am a grown up!" She replied and ran back to her mom.

After the meeting with Daniel and my fans, we entered the jet. We sat next to each other and I leaned my head against his shoulder. "That was a really kind child" I said, still thinking about the little girl. "No! She didn't want my autograph!" Daniel said with a mock offended voice. "Awww, you are such a poor man!" I said laughing and kissed his cheek.
"Do you want to have children one day?" Daniel asked after a while silence. "Well... Yeah, I think so. But not more than two. And definitely not too soon. First I want to marry, then maybe some kids. What about you?" I replied. "Yeah, I love kids. But like you said, not too soon. I think first I want to retire from Formula 1, then I have all my time for the family." He said and smiled a little.

After a quick flight, we landed in Nice at the airport. Daniel's car was standing there and he drove me home. He parked the car in front of my apartment and carried my bags upstairs. "Do you want to stay here for the night?" I asked after we went to the balcony to drink something. "I would love to, but I sadly have to attend an online interview in two hours." Daniel replied and I was completely okay with that. "Yeah that's okay. Uhh, by the way. You once said you have to go to Milano, when is that?" I replied. "In two days. It will only take one week, but I'll fly directly from there to Sochi..." He replied with a sad face. "Nooooo I won't see you for one week?! I am going to die!" I said and hugged him as tight as possible, to pretend I don't let him go.

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