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The next morning, Daniel and I went to the doctor to make the pregnancy official. The doctor, her name was Mrs. Hilton, did some checks and an ultrasound, then she printed it out and gave it to me. "Well Miss, I am very happy to tell you that you are pregnant in the 12th week. And this is the ultrasound where you can see the first picture of your baby." She said with a bright smile and let us go.

When we arrived at home, Daniel and I made the breakfast. Steven and the children were still asleep, so we had enough time to make really nice food. "Do you know how happy I am?" Daniel said while he put a plate on the table. "Me too babe. Believe me." I replied and went around the table. I laid my hands on his shoulders and kissed him with much love.

A few minutes after we were done making breakfast, Jason came to us. "Heyyy, good morning sweetie!" I said and hugged him. "Sarah!" He said and looked very happy to see me. Daniel sneaked around the table and was standing behind Jason. He gave me a sign to be quiet and smiled sweetly. "Good morning Jason" He said and Jason got a big shock. He started laughing very hard and Daniel picked him up. "Do you want waffles? Sarah did some, she does the best waffles on this planet." Daniel said and put Jason down on a chair.

After the breakfast with everyone, Steven and Chloe went to the city as Chloe hasn't been in Monaco before and wanted to see it. Jason staid with Daniel and me. Of course, Daniel already had crazy plans. "Would you two like to go swimming in the pool?" Daniel asked smiling. Jason immediately agreed and ran to his room to put on his swimming pants. Daniel went after him to help him. Only a few minutes later, Daniel and Jason came back with swimming pants and water guns. "Oh my god where did you find these?!" I asked and started laughing hard. "I have more toys than you think honey." Daniel said laughing while he and Jason went outside to the pool. I walked after them and laid down on a sun lounger next to the pool.

The two guys played in the pool for hours. It was the most adorable thing I've ever seen. Daniel was such a caring and sweet person and he was great with kids. I did some videos and posted a photo in my Instagram story. On the photo, Daniel was holding the water gun and had his typical sweet smile in his face. I put a text under the photo: "What is this wild cowboy doing in my pool? 🤠😂❤️" Only a few seconds after I posted the story, I got a message from Pierre.

Pierre: You two are the sweetest couple ever, no shit, I love you two together so much 😃💙
Me: Thank you Pierre 😘
Pierre: Did you like it on my boat? And did you say yes? 😉
Me: Yeah, I still love your boat, I have to buy one myself... And OF COURSE I DID WHAT A DUMB QUESTION MR. GASLY! 😂
Pierre: Awwwww that's so sweet 🥹 Congratulations sweetie! Ohhh I am so excited! Am I invited? 😂
Me: Another dumb question, of course you are 💜
Pierre: Thanks 😉

The moment I looked up from my phone, I saw that Daniel was whispering something in Jason's ear. Moments later, they both ran to me, sopping wet. Only seconds later, both hugged me with their wet hair so my dry clothes became sopping wet too. "You cheeky boys!" I screamed and laughed. But this wasn't all. Daniel picked me up and walked to the edge of the pool. "I'm sorry darling, I love you" He said, kissed me and then threw me into the pool. I screamed very loud and was soaking wet. "Ah fuck the pool is cold! It's winter, how can you guys even swim in here?!" I screamed and got out of the pool. Daniel and Jason were sitting on the lounger I just laid on and laughed harder than I have ever seen somebody laugh before.
And again I knew, what an amazing father Daniel would be.

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