Wedding plans

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After that huge drama was nearly over, my parents finally arrived. They went and followed the ambulance, which brought Luna to the hospital. As my apartment was big enough, I told Arthur, that he could live there until the house is liveley again. I also asked my parents and Luna to move in with me, but the didn't want to. Arthur wanted to move out anyways, and he took this opportunity to search a nice house or something for him and his girlfriend to live in.

After I had a talk with my favourite brother, I went back to Daniel and Charles. "Thank you boys for coming with me... You really helped me." I said and then hugged both of them. "Listen, I'd do anything for you, you know that." Charles said and kissed my forehead. "Thank you muppet." I said and softly smiled at him. "Me too, I hope you know that. That isn't even a question. If you need me, I'd interrupt or stop a race for you." Daniel then said and hugged me tight. It was one of these hugs I loved so much. His hugs always make me feel so much better. They make me feel save and recovered.

"Would you like to go back on the boat or stay home?" Charles eventually asked. "Are you mad when I say that I want to go home?" I asked in a shy voice. "Definitely not. I completely understand that. I'll go back to the boat and bring you your stuff. And then I'll also go home. I think I had enough vacation" Daniel said and laid his hand on my shoulder. "You don't have to! I can go and pick my stuff up by myself..." I replied and he shook his head. "No sweetie, you go home and relax a bit. You need it. I'll bring you your things. No resist Sarah"

As I had no other choice, I finally agreed. Charles and Daniel went back to the boat, while I went back to my apartment. Arthur came with me and moved in the guest-room. Only twenty minutes later, the doorbell rang. As I was showering, Arthur opened the door. "Oh, hey Daniel" He said and let him in. "Good morning Arthur. Isn't Sarah here? I brought her stuff." Daniel replied and put a suitcase on the floor. "She's taking a shower, but you can wait for her in the living room, I'll tell here you are here. I am sure she'd be happy to talk with you" Arthur said and Daniel went to the living room, where he sat on the couch.

After I came out of the shower, I went to my room and put on a comfortable jogging-suit. "Hey sis, Daniel is in the living room waiting for you" Arthur said without even entering my room. I immediately went to the living room and saw Daniel smiling at me brightly. "Hey beautiful. Your stuff is in the hallway" He said and I hugged him. "Thank you so much Danny. Really, it means a lot to me that you are such a good friend." I replied and sat down next to him.

After we've spent the whole afternoon together, Daniel went back home and Arthur and I sat on the balcony, enjoying the warm summer sunset with a beer. "You like Daniel, don't you?" Arthur asked and I blushed immediately. "How the fuck do you always know stuff like that?!" I replied and laughed. My big brother knew me to well. He always knew things nobody else knew. "I am your brother, I know everything. But I am right, right?" He said with a big smirk on his face. "Arthur I don't like Daniel anymore. It became love. I love this man so unbelievable much. I can't even describe this in words. He is just the best thing that ever happened to me. But I don't want to ruin our friendship, I can't tell him what I feel..." I replied and got a bit sad. All I wanted is to be with Daniel, but I didn't want to ruin that perfect friendship.

"I knew it!" Arthur said and laughed. "But Sarah, you have to do something. You can't forever pretend that you are just friends. That would be a shame." He added and I started to think about, if he was right. "But... No Arthur I can't... I just can't..." I said and Arthur seemed to have a good idea, because he had that smile on his face, that he always had, when he had a good idea. "In two weeks is my wedding. And you could ask him to come with you so you aren't alone without a partner. What do you think? Mia and I really like Daniel, there is no problem if he comes too." He then said and looked at me questionable.

"And do you think that would be something like a little date?" I asked. "Yeah sure. Please Sarah, ask him. It's the last week of the summer break, you have to do something together." Arthur replied and I finally agreed. So I took my phone and texted him.

S: Hey Danny :) I have a little question: My big brother Arthur is going to marry in two weeks. And as I don't want to go alone, I wanted to ask you if you want to come with me and be my partner for the wedding?

Only a few minutes later, he replied.

D: I'd love to, thanks for asking me :) What is the exact date? Maybe I have a meeting, but only on Tuesday, the rest of the week I am free :)

I was very happy about his reply, because the wedding was on Sunday, so it was like a yes. So I immediately replied.

S: The wedding is on Sunday. It's at the port :) Arthur and Mia would be happy to see you, and me of course too :)

D: Perfect! Well, then I'll definitely come! Is there a special dress code or can I wear my McLaren Polo and shorts? 😂"

S: Don't you dare Daniel! 😂😤 At least a suit 😩 Please... 🥺😂

D: Okayyy, when I have to... 😒😂 Just kidding, but thank you really much for asking me, it's a pleasure 🥰

S: Thanks for agreeing 😊

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