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After Pierre brought me back to the hotel, I went to my room and got ready for bed. Daniel still wasn't back, but as he said that he would come back very late, I didn't think much of it. I went to bed and watched some Netflix, until an hour later Daniel finally arrived. He put off his jacket and immediately came to me. "Hey love" He said and kissed me. He didn't look very happy and seemed to be very tired.

"What happened? You look sad..." I said and stroked his cheek. "It's nothing... Everything is fine..." Daniel replied and wanted to walk away but I stopped him. "Daniel. What's wrong?" I said in a very serious voice and held his hand. "I- My mother called me. She said that she won't be able to come to our wedding in august" My fiancé said and sat down on the bed. "Noooo... That's a shame... Why can't she come?" I asked and pulled him to me so I could give him a tight hug. "She tried everything to get away from Australia all flights are cancelled because of Covid." Daniel replied and sighted. "Fuck this shit" He added and leaned back on the bed.

When we woke up the next morning, we had a big shock as we overslept. "Daniel, wake up, we have to go to the track!" I said and jumped up. I got dressed very quickly but Daniel still didn't get up. "Daniel!" I yelled and he finally woke up. "Why are you yelling like that? How late is it?" He asked confused. "You have to be at the track in ten minutes, I would get up if I would be you." I said laughing and put on my jacket. Daniel jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. He put on his clothes in less than one minute and was standing next to me, completely ready to leave.

We arrived at the track exactly eight minutes later. We were on time, but it was very very close. As my meeting was thirty minutes later than Daniel's, I went to the take away in the paddock club and bought some food for Daniel and me. I went to the McLaren garage and saw Daniel and Michael, his coach, having a chat. "Sorry for interrupting you Michael, but as this lovely guy overslept and didn't eat anything, I brought him some food" I said and put the bag with food on the table. "His mood was terrible, thanks god you got him food" Michael said laughing. "Guys, be nice! I feel bullied" Daniel complained and grabbed the bag. "Ohh pancakes! I love you I love you I love you!" He said, jumped up and kissed me.

*Sunday, after the race*

As it was time for the summer break and this was my last grand prix because of the baby, Daniel, Charles, Pierre and I have decided to stay in Monza for a while and after go on Pierre's boat like we did last summer. We all went out for dinner in a noble restaurant. Pierre and Charles both knew about the gender and the surprise for Daniel. When we went to a bar, they both left the table because they "needed some air". Now, Daniel and I were sitting there alone. I grabbed my handbag and took out the little package with the romper in it.

"What is that?" Daniel asked. "It's for you my love" I said and gave him the package. He opened it and looked at me confused. "A romper... I know and see that you are pregnant, but thanks for the reminder" He said and laughed. "Oh god Daniel... Look at the colour!" I said and laughed. "Pink. Yeah. Wait... Pink... Pink! Does that mean what I think it means?!" He said and got very excited. "I think so..." I replied. "Are we having a girl?!" He asked and I nodded. "Oh my god I am having a girl! I am the happiest man alive!" Daniel said, jumped up and lifted me up. He turned me around carefully and kissed me a thousand times.

Dear future husband (Daniel Ricciardo ff)Where stories live. Discover now