Family drama

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After Steven and his two adorable children left a week later, Daniel and I invited my family to tell them about the baby and the wedding. We were very nervous, as I was pretty sure that my dad wouldn't be a big fan of my pregnancy. "Babe? I am scared... My father will hate us..." I said and walked around in the kitchen nervously. "Oh darling... Come here" My fiancé said with open arms so I went over to him for a tight hug. "It's gonna be okay, believe me" He said and kissed my cheek.

A few minutes later, the doorbell rang. Daniel went to the door and welcomed my mom, dad and my brother Arthur. They came to the kitchen and I hugged all of them. "Do you guys want something to drink?" I asked and gave everyone a coffee. "You wanted to talk about something very important?" My dad said without any emotions. He never showed any emotions and was the coolest guy I knew. Since I was a teenager, our relationship wasn't very good anymore. We always had arguments and fought the whole time. My mother always told us to stop, but we literally hated each other. Our relationship wasn't good, but better than a few years ago.

"Yeah we did want to tell you something very very important..." I said and became very nervous. Daniel grabbed my hand and made me feel much better. "Actually two things" He said and smiled nervously. My mom looked very excited and smiled at us. She was the absolutely sweetest person I know. She was always happy, supported me with everything I did and was always there for me. I loved her unbelievable much and her smile made me even more confident. "Yeah two things... Daniel would you like to say it?" I asked and looked at him with a begging face. He nodded with a smile and swallowed nervously. "Um well... Sarah and I have decided that we want to marry."

My dad didn't show any facial expression, but my mom and my brother looked very happy. "That's amazing, congratulations!" Arthur said and gave me a hug. He was the absolute best brother I could have. When someone was mean to me, Arthur always came to school and made them stop. And when I was sad, he always cheered me up and gave me these hugs. These hugs are still a thing that make me feel unbelievable save and loved. I loved my brother very much and was very happy to have him.

"That's very great, I am so happy for you!" My mother said and first hugged me and then Daniel. She really liked Daniel, which made me very happy. "Darling, please say something" My mother said to my dad who was still sitting there without any emotions. "Great, congrats." He said in a cold voice. Daniel didn't seem to be happy about his response, but I didn't expect anything else.

"Didn't you have other news?" My mother asked after a nice little chat about the proposal and our relationship. "Yes..." I replied and got veeeeeeery nervous. I literally squeezed Daniel's hand and was thinking about what I should say. But before I could say anything, Daniel rescued me and said something. "Well, actually there is something else which is pretty important" He said and looked at me. "Yeah... I- Daniel and I- We- Daniel and I are having a baby. I am pregnant..." I said and looked on the floor. "Oh my god, I am going to be an uncle!" Arthur screamed and fell in my arms. My mother also started crying because of joy. She hugged me tight and kissed my cheek. "Sarah I am so happy for you! And also Daniel, wow, I am so happy for you!" My mother was overjoyed and couldn't stop smiling.

"Dad, say something please" I said and was a bit disappointed. I knew that he wasn't emotional, but at least he could've said something. "I am disappointed. I think it's time to leave. Katie?" He said and stood up. My mom, Arthur and Daniel looked at him shocked. "Roberto. Do you know what you are doing?! Your daughter is having a baby and the only thing you think of is running away?! What the fuck is wrong with you?!" Mom finally said. "I AM DISAPPOINTED. THEY AREN'T EVEN MARRIED AND ARE HAVING A BABY! THAT'S NOT OKAY!" My father yelled and wanted to go to the door, but Arthur stopped him. "Dad, you stay here and apologise. Do you know what you just said?!" He said and looked very mad.

"HOW DO YOU DARE TO TELL ME WHAT TO DO?! AND YOU..." My father continued yelling and turned to Daniel. "HOW DO YOU DARE TO GET MY DAUGHTER PREGNANT WITHOUT EVEN BEING MARRIED TO HER?! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?! YOU FUCKING DICKHEAD! I DON'T ACCEPT YOU IN MY FAMILY!" He screamed and wanted to leave, but I stopped him. I wiped away the tears and took all the courage I had.

"How do you dare to talk to Daniel and me like that? Dad, these words hurt, very much. I FUCKING LOVE DANIEL AND WE AREN'T LIVING IN 1900 ANYMORE! WHERE IS THE PROBLEM OF HAVING A BABY WITHOUT BEING MARRIED?! WE JUST ANNOUNCED THAT WE ARE GOING TO GET MARRIED, BUT YOU DON'T CARE AT ALL. YOUR HEART IS A FUCKING STONE! I HATE YOU! LEAVE MY HOUSE AND DON'T YOU DARE TO EVER COME BACK! AND DON'T YOU EVEN THINK OF COMING TO OUR WEDDING OR WANTING TO SEE OUR CHILD. I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN. LEAVE." I said and made everyone in the room being quiet. Tears were running down my face and I was sobbing. Daniel took me in his arms to comfort me. He kissed me on the head, but not even this helped anymore.

"You are a fucking monster" Arthur said and pushed my dad away. "How do you dare to say that?!" My dad replied. "Because you hurt the feelings of 4 people in this room. I also don't want to see you anymore. It's embarrassing to have a father like you." Arthur said and went upstairs. I'm pretty sure he was crying and that's why he went away.
My mother looked at my father with a disappointed, broken face. I saw that she was heartbroken and didn't know what to do.
Daniel looked at him with a killer gaze. "Didn't you hear what she said?! LEAVE OUR FUCKING HOUSE AND NEVER COME BACK! YOU HURT HER, YOUR SON, YOUR WIFE AND ME TOO. GO AWAY." He yelled and my father finally left. My mother sat down on the couch and was crying bitterly.

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