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Tap, tap, tap, tap, tap, tap.

The noise of a man expecting his first child. His right foot spells out the twelve hours of fear on the floor of Dignity Health Hospital. Heavy bags rest under milk chocolate eyes. The blue alma mater hoodie and gray sweatpants hug his thin frame. The brown leather tote bag with initials T.W. rests near his hip.

The Japanese American runs through his short jet-black hair to keep himself from looking at his watch. To him, it feels like forever since Penelope entered the room.

Sitting in the red chairs across from him are his in-laws. Nicholas Florakis pushes up his glasses that slid down his nose. His honey-brown eyes look down to hide the same fear. Delphine Florakis softly strokes her husband's bronze arm to bring him peace. Their eyes meet and tell each other to be strong. He looks at his son-in-law, Takashi Watanabe, whose eyes stare at his watch.

"Taki, I understand what you're feeling," he sympathizes.

His feet stop tapping out of embarrassment.

"I was also scared when they were delivering Penelope. I hated that I couldn't do much but wait," Nicholas continues.

Takashi lets out a breath. "Yeah, same here."

"The good thing is that you're here to help our little one. You came fully prepared to help her and the baby over the next few days. We are proud of you and Penny. To think that we will be grandparents soon. Have you both come up with a name yet?" Delphine asks.

"Penny has a name, but she wants it to be a surprise for me. It's just like her to do that," his light chuckle eases the tension in the air.

"She does like to surprise people. Whatever name she comes up with will be good."

"It will be. It's not easy to raise a daughter. Now you have to deal with a mini version of Penny," his father-in-law jokes.

"Oh, man," Taki strokes through his thick eyebrows. "I didn't think about that part. Hopefully, not too much like her mom. I just need one, not two of them to go through the fridge."

The trio's laughter almost dissolves the stress on them. Nicholas and Delphine get up from their seats.

"We are going to get some coffee. Would you like some?"

"Yeah, I will have one. Thanks, Mr. Florakis."

"You still call me that. You're a part of our family and you can call me dad---"

Delphine's nudge to his ribs cuts him off.

Takashi's eyes almost water from the sentiment but...... "Got it."

While they are gone, the expecting father thinks over the words. He's right. He's basically like a dad to me. Why do I have a problem saying it? Is it because of my past?

Before the anxious thoughts take over, he pulls out his wife's academic paper from the tote bag to occupy his mind. The approaching footsteps have him look up. Milk chocolate eyes smile upon meeting again.

Gold-framed glasses rest on top of long black hair laced with blonde highlights. He stands up and embraces his older sister, Hikari.

"I got your call and got on the next available flight. How are things going so far?"

"It's been too long," his body trembles. The soft pats on his back bring him back. "Where's mom? She said she was on her way from Hawaii." 

"The storms delayed her flight," she sighs. "She said she would be here within a week."

They sit down and Hikari notices his tired face. "Hey, things will be alright. The baby will come out soon and be in good health."

"I hope so."

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