The Oracle

33 9 57

Oct 30th 2:00 pm

Penelope manages to get her daughter in a pumpkin outfit. She knows it's not Halloween technically, but they aren't going out tomorrow. She smiles with glee that orange is a good color on her.

She takes pictures of her baby and sends it to her parents.

"She is so precious! I could eat her up!"-Delphine

"She looks just like you when you were little."-Nicholas

Her baby coos for attention.

She tickles her stomach. "Who's my little pumpkin? You are!"

Her laughter reveals her gummy smile.

Ring, ring!
 Penny's phone goes off. Caller ID displays Lisa, one of her students.

"Hi, Lisa. How are you?"

"Happy Halloween, Mrs. Watanabe!", a grouped mix of loud voices shouts.

"Happy Halloween, everyone!", she smiles as it's from her entire class.

A cheery voice takes over the call. "We wanted to check up on how you were doing. Congratulations on the baby!"

"Thank you, Lisa. She is so precious. Can you take me off speaker please?"

Beep. "How are you doing, professor?"

"It's been some ups and downs, but I feel hopeful that he's coming back."

"He will. I can see how much you love each other. I remember when he showed up to a lecture after we were done. He raised his hand and made you laugh with one of his jokes. I can't remember what he said."

"I do. He said: "Do you know why comedians were banned in Greece? Because nobody was allowed to get roasted after Icarus", she laughs while telling it.

"It was so dumb, but he made you laugh until you cried."

"That's one of the many reasons why I married him. I was having an awful day until he did that. Do you remember when you brought your baby to school?"

"I do! Tommy was fussing until Takashi asked to rock him."


Several years ago, Tommy was crying his head off in Penny's class. Takashi walked down and offered to rock her for him. Soothing words while walking gently with him in his arms. Telling him that his mother was doing a good job.

Tears streamed down her face from the needed validation. Penny handed her a box of tissues while her husband continued. When Lisa was ready, he handed her back a napping baby. She asked him what magic he used on him.

"No secret. Just wanted to give you a hand."


"That day made me think about our future. He showed me what kind of father he would be and I was excited for that. I told him when things settled down that we would start having a kid. With his past, he got nervous. However, he looked forward to it", Penny informs.

"We want to let you know that we are rooting for his safe return. We also sent something for you and the baby. It should be there now."

"Let me check", she puts her daughter in a bjorn before walking down. She peeks from the door and sees a large box outside.

From: Historical Mythology 101

To: Penelope Watanabe.

Aiko helps takes the box inside and opens it up. Inside was a Greek storybook for Penny to read to her child, assorted Halloween chocolates, extra diapers, some teething rings, and Halloween decorations. Her baby tries to reach inside because of the colors.

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