Strings of a Puppet

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"Why are you here?", Artemis spits through gritted teeth at Narcissus.

The hunter keeps his distance, knowing what she can do to him. "I was just hunting in this part of the forest when I noticed you're training this foreigner. To think he could be a demigod? I noticed some rabbits running unusually fast in the middle of their run. So, he must have the power to affect the speed of others?"

"You guessed right", Taki bluffs.

The vain demigod stares at him. "Power over the aspects of time, son of Kronos?"

His eyes widen in surprise.

Narcissus stifles the laughter that's going to erupt out of his mouth. "You're really an amateur. She didn't teach you how to hide your aura from others? And I don't really care about your background. I'm here to give you an offer of a lifetime."

Artemis and the others are puzzled.

Takashi wonders what he's up to. "What's your offer?"

"Quite simply, to be trained by the future number one archer of all time. Artemis, no offense, is of the old generation whose time has come to an end."

Artemis crosses her arms in an amused manner.

"Takashi, isn't it? As you just saw, I'm an excellent marksman and you can learn a lot from the best. After you complete my regimen, you will be ranked third, maybe second archer in the world. Artemis will just drop off the list after we replace her and Heracles."

"Interesting. What must I do for you?"

"That power to affect time will be useful in securing my number one position. Plus, you get to move up the ladder-"


The abrupt response stuns the proud demigod. His smile twitches as he buries his anger. "Is it about what happened in the city? If I had known better-"

"You told me: "I don't care about your background." It shows that we have different end goals in mind, and it would be a waste of time if I dropped Artemis as my teacher for you. No thanks."

Artemis smirks. Helena didn't know him for long, but she knew he wouldn't join that vain archer.  Echo is silent as she peeks from the tree.

"Fine, then. In that case, goddess, why waste time training him when you have the perfect student right here?", he points at himself.

Helena and Takashi's eyebrows raise by how quickly the demigod changed his stance.

Artemis uncrosses her arms. "You don't need any training, well except for that attitude of yours."

Takashi hides his grin as he feels the same way. Helena laughs.

Narcissus is upset by her laughter. "Why yo-"

Artemis shoots an arrow that grazes his face."Watch your tongue or it may be the last word you will ever say."

The vain demigod clears his throat. "I am sorry, Helena. I'm usually in control of myself."

"Why do you want to be trained by me? I thought it was beneath you since I'm part of the old generation", Artemis throws his words back at him.

"I think you're looking for a replacement number 3 archer. I am that man."

"Settling as number 3 for now? Not really your style", Taki chimes in.

Both Artemis and Helena laugh from his remark.

Narcissus shoots him a dirty look while gripping his bow. "I am tied with Adonis but that will change shortly."

"If Artemis is number 1 and Heracles is number 2, then who was number 3?", Taki asks for clarification.

He looks at the goddess. "Tou know who number 3 is and I'm glad he is out of the way."

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