Demi-God Tournament Pt 3

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Red and blue venomous snakes attack the demigods!

Perseus' shield blocks their fangs. Heracles turns where the fangs can't pierce through the lion skin armor.

Narcissus fires off arrows while crouching for cover. His arrows hit some of the snakes, infuriating the Gorgon sisters. Euryale's scream tears apart the ground as it makes its way. The vain demigod rolls away, but his ears ring like a bell.

"It's Perseus, your brother-in-law! Please, stop!", the young demigod tries to reach them.

Theseus' bare feet on the ground tell him that Perseus' words are sincere as he seeks cover.

Hermes is taken aback. His gut instincts are telling him it's the truth.

Aphrodite is trembling from fear that more of Perseus' loved ones will die. She doesn't think his heart can take another loss like that. Ares kisses her head.

Heracles' club almost cracks from what he sees in them. The same madness Hera had inflicted on him. Stheno rapidly slithers to him. Swipe! The brass claws only connect with the special armor. Her snakes lash out, but his hand gently pushes her away.

"Percy, they were cursed with the same madness Hera placed on me!", he yells.

"What can we do?", he blocks another fanged attempt.

"Trigger a memory and they should snap out of it!"

Something comes to Medea's mind. "Judges! How can they kill these two when they are immortal?"

The audience and the teams on the field are bewildered as it is true. This game would be unwinnable.

Athena stands up. "During their imprisonment, I forced them to eat a special fruit I created. A few bites aren't harmful, but the more they ate, their immortality was lost in the process."

Perseus' aura flares up from hearing those words. Sky-blue eyes ready to kill her. Euryale's next scream pushes him back. The ringing prevents him from hearing Stheno. Her horizontal knife hand blocked by Heracles' hand on her elbow. A push sends her right into Euryale who catches her.

Heracles restores his hearing and pours some water on the ground to make mud. The sons of Zeus put plenty of it in their ears.

Narcissus fires off an arrow for Stheno's head, but Percy throws his shield to deflect it. He's trying to figure out a way to trigger their memories and finding a way to win without killing them.

Chrysaor and Pegasus try to enter the field, but it won't allow them inside. Chrysaor grows to his true size and punches it. The barrier shakes, but it will not break from the impact. Tears run down his face as he wants to save his aunts. Pegasus neighs loudly, but he is also ignored.

The eldest son of Perseus shrinks down in disbelief. Echo runs down and holds him close while keeping him from falling over from his heartache. The mountain nymph's heart almost breaks for Chrysaor and Pegasus. They had already lost a mother and their family will get even smaller. Takashi gently leads them back to their seats after telling him about his special arrows Heracles now holds.

Theseus' rock wall is torn apart by the blue-haired Gorgon's scream. He slides his feet out of the way. Ringing in his ears throws his feet off balance. Stheno slithers to his back.

Slash! Golden iron splatters out. He rolls out of the way from the next strike. Ariadne covers her mouth from seeing the almost deep gash on his back.

"Brother!", Bellero yells out.

Narcissus fires off arrows at Stheno's head, but the snakes take the volley to protect her. Her tail wraps around his body. He grunts from being slammed into the earth. Her sharp nails aim for his throat.

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