Time Marches Forward

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The time is around 2:30pm, 10 minutes after Takashi Watanabe disappeared.

Hikari returns back to the waiting area and sees her brother isn't there. 

Did he go for a short walk?

"Hikari, is that you?"

Hikari turns to sees both Mr. and Mrs. Florakis holding three cups of coffee. She happily embraces them. "It's always nice to see you both. I got on the next flight as soon as I heard from little bro. Our mom's flight has been delayed because of a storm, but she should be here within a week or so."

The couple look around but can't find their son-in-law. "Have you seen Taki? He was waiting for coffee."

"I think he went for a walk. Probably to clear his head."

Nicholas nods in understanding. "Waiting is painful."

The nurse opens the door and everyone turns to him. "We have a healthy baby girl."

Everyone smiles from the news. Hikari calls her little brother about this. The phone just keeps ringing. She hangs up and tries again. Same result. She tries again and the system says "the person you're trying to reach is unavailable." She sends a text.

"Taki! Your daughter is here. Come quickly!'

"Any luck?"

"No. But he has to be here somewhere. Stay with Penelope while I find him", as she walks away. Hikari talks to different staff members nearby to see where her brother could have gone. They tell her that they haven't seen him and that he was last in the waiting area. 

She sees the hospital map and thinks to check the lobby....Not there. Her fingers twirl the ends of her hair as she walks around. Where could he be? Did he actually l-

No! That isn't like him at all. Our past is something that he doesn't want to repeat. Something isn't right, while tapping her right foot. She walks right up to a security guard at the front desk.

"Hi, I'm worried something happened to my brother. His name is Takashi Watanabe and he was in the waiting area expecting his daughter to be born. He probably took a walk, but I can't contact him."

"He has to be here somewhere then. What time did you last see him?"

"Around 2:15pm I guess. Oh, he's wearing a blue hoodie and gray sweatpants. He also might carry a leather tote bag."

"Let me check the cameras real quick."

The guard checks the cameras of the waiting room at that time. He does find where Hikari and Takashi are in the same place around 2:15pm and he fast forwards. The camera cuts out to his confusion and the footage cuts back on. He is no longer in that spot. The cameras near the waiting room don't find anyone matching his description.

"I need to check with someone about this. I will be right back."

"What is it? What did you find?", she implores.

"He's not showing up on any cameras. What color is his car?"

"Sure. It's a silver 2 door sedan. Wait, why do you ask?", her eyebrows raise.

"Usually, a birth of a child can make some people-

"No! He's not like that! How dare you think that he's like that!", she lowers her voice towards the end.

"Ma'am, I apologize. That was out of line for me. You feared something happened to him, right?"


"I'm going to call my colleagues to check the premises first. He has to be where the cameras can't see him."

"Can I give you my number so you can reach me?"

The guard nods and she scribbles her number down on a note. The guard takes his walkie and contacts his colleagues to search for someone matching Takashi's description.

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