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His eyelids rise up. A foul odor invades his nose which almost makes him vomit. He covers his mouth and holds his breath. His body is warning him not to make too loud of a noise. His teary eyes dart around to find what looks like a prison, but with open corridors and lit torches held in place. 

He remembers that he was arrested. His belongings along with his watch aren't with him. He doesn't know how long he has been out, but he needs to undo what has happened. He goes to talk, but something inside him warns him to keep it low.

"Rewind", he whispers while pinching his nose.

Nothing happens. He tries again. Still no change. His mind comes to a disturbing realization.

Is it because of the drugs they used on me? It may take some time for the drug to wear off. Let's collect ourselves and then-

Nearby bellowing frightens him. It sounds human, but more like a tortured animal. He hears its approaching footsteps. A large shadow begins to form on the wall.

His body stumbles, but he pushes on to get behind a wall. What was under his next steps catches him off guard. His eyes widen in horror with an elevated heart rate. His hands trap the scream from coming out.

Pieces of torn clothes around human bones. Blood splatter on the walls. Whatever has eaten them has picked the bones clean. He couldn't keep his eyes off of this sight until he hears a snort. He slowly looks in that direction.

The creature has the head and horns of a bull with the body of a man. Its snout dried with blood. The almost 7 ft creature is carrying an axe that is painted in the blood of its victims.


Taki hides himself from his view.

Although he had seen Scylla's grotesque form, at least he had his powers to outwit her. Now, he is out of options except one: run and survive.

The creature looks around and sniffs the air. Taki keeps himself quiet to prevent his breath from giving him away. He sees an open corridor that he can go into.

The creature turns around, but Taki is hesitant. What if the monster knows someone is here and it's a trick?

Taki then has an idea. He hates himself for this, but he has to live. He takes one bone as a weapon just in case. He silently picks up another bloodied bone and aims to throw it into one of the large doors away from him. He takes the risk and throws it.


The beast's ears perk up and he goes quickly to the sound with the ax in tow. The monster is quick despite its large frame. He goes past the doorway and Taki sneaks quickly to the other door. The monster hears movement and swings his weapon to the side!

The axe is edged into the corner of the door that Taki had gone through. Strands of black hair is left in his place. He is now at a corner of a passageway, clutching his racing heart.

The minotaur stalks down the pathway. Taki walks along the wall and finds it has an ending. He turns and finds another passageway and slips through in time. The creature bellows. This place is like a huge maze as he keeps avoiding the creature.

He then notices something as he's walking quickly and quietly. String?

The string is set along the lit pathways and it isn't appearing on other pathways. He sees it make a turn around a corner. He follows the string down while taking into account the minotaur's whereabouts. He hears it bellow further away which gives him relief.

Footsteps grab his attention. He clings to the wall and listens closely. To his disbelief, he then hears a hushed voice.

"Father, I'm scared."

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