Reunion & Omen

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Takashi and Briseis take a stretch break with one day away from Hyria.

"Briseis, what should I expect when I get there? What's the layout of the camp?"

She takes a stick and draws out the camp to the best of her memory. She mentions the wooden spikes, the coal mine, and where they are forced to stay.

"How many Trojans are there?"

"About 200 of us left", her voice drops with a heavy sadness.

Taki pats her back. "How many guards?"

"Probably 60 around, but more from Aulis. I don't know the exact number."

"Who's in charge?"

She wraps her arms around her body to hold herself. Her breathing gets erratic as she sits on the ground.

Taki gets in her line of sight. "Deep and slow breaths with me." He exaggerates his breaths and she copies him. He sees that she is feeling a little better but is still scared of the person he asked about.

"Whoever he is, he must be a terrible man. I will make him regret what he did to your people."

She grabs his hands. "Don't fight Stavros! He's a sick and twisted man. He got that position after killing the previous master over us. He then paraded his body and made us watch."

He feels her hands trembling in his. He knows he can beat him with his powers, but he doesn't bring it up. He gently holds her by the shoulders. "Okay. I won't fight him unless it comes down to it. Freeing your people is my first priority. I promise you that."

His eyes bring her back to a familiar memory. She cracks a grin.

"Plus, we have help from your friends behind us."

"That's right. They are great shots, especially my cousin."

"We will make a plan to get your people out. I think a large distraction is necessary and my powers can come into play with that."

He offers his hand to lift her up and she takes it. She then hugs him to his surprise. "Thank you for helping us."

"Don't thank me until it is over. I will dismantle their whole operation afterwards so they won't hurt anyone else again. Are you ready to go?"

"I am."

They get back on their horses and keep going. She drinks from his canteen of water and asks him something.

"What is your wife like?"

"She always prays for me before I leave our house for work. She gives me some peace when I'm stressed out and her smile. Whew, her smile makes me appreciate her more."

"She sounds like a great woman to you. I bet she will be a great mother to your kid."

"I don't doubt it. She can teach our daughter how to metal scream and I bet she won't stop doing that", he chuckles.

"Metal scream?"

He takes out his cell phone and goes to a particular video with the volume set up. He points out the macabre painted face of his wife in the band she was in. His wife performed a growling scream that blows Briseis away.

"And her throat doesn't give out?"

"Nope. She can scream without hurting herself in the process. She is amazing."

"She definitely is. Not my kind of music, but she does great with it. I like how you talk about her. You really love her."

"I do and I'm going to make up for lost time when I get back. I won't ever leave her again."

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