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Earth: Oct 27th 1pm

Hikari has been concerned about Greg's health since her last conversation. She texts Misha to check on him for her. Misha goes to his apartment complex and rings the doorbell.

"Hello?", the tired voice of her friend answers.

"I wanted to check on my good friend. May I come up?"

After buzzing her in, she gets to his door and knocks.

"Just a minute."

The sounds of cleaning echo inside the apartment before he opens the door. Deep dark circles greet her. She hugs him tightly and he embraces back.

"Hey, Greg."

"It's been a while", he yawns.

"Too long."

"Come on inside. Just take your shoes off at the door. There are some slippers you can put on."

Misha wears the blue slippers and sits down on his couch. He comes back with a glass of water and hands it to her.

"I will be right back. I didn't expect company so I need to clean."

She gently grabs him by the wrist. "It's okay. Sit with me."

He reluctantly sits down on the opposite end. He rubs his eyes to stay awake.

"Have you been eating, Greg?"

"Not as well as before. Junk food and all that."

"I brought some snacks over from Penelope's place. Here", she unwraps small meat pies for him to enjoy.

His eyes widen from a single bite. "Really good. Do you want some?"

"I already ate."

"Thanks. Tell Penny I said thank you."

"I will let her know."

She lets Greg eat his fill before broaching the subject.

"I'm worried about you. You haven't been talking to any of us over the past few days. What have you been up to?"

"Hikari sent me something weird regarding Takashi's disappearance. I used my software and referenced weather articles, but this phenomenon is out of the ordinary. I don't know what to make of it, but I need to keep looking for him."

"She told me a little about that. She thinks it's a kidnapping or something like that?"

"I don't believe in the supernatural, but I don't know what to believe anymore. The police wouldn't believe us even if we had the evidence. All I know is my best friend is missing and I let him and Penelope down."

"Why do you say that?"

He grips his knees. ".....Ever since Taki told me about what happened to his family, I promised him that I would protect him and his family until the day I die. Now, I failed him. I can't rest until I make it up to them", his voice breaks down.

Misha squeezes his shoulder. "We will find him. I know it. You need to rest though. We need you at 100% to find him."

     "I'm trying. I can't sleep though. My friend needs me and I'm sitting here helpless. It doesn't feel right. I'm going to run out of vacation days at some point and I can't see myself at work without him. He always sends me his dad jokes every morning and I would rate them out of 10. I wake up each morning expecting his text and it's not there."

A rush of tears flood down his face. Misha holds him as the same feeling washes down.

"I miss him too."

Greg eventually cries himself to sleep on the couch. Misha throws a blanket over him before throwing away any trash. She sees a crumpled paper ball near his bedroom door and enters it. Multiple wads of white paper are scattered around like a minefield.

She opens one up.

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