Meeting the Goddess

52 9 51

Oct 31st

Iphicles is setting up equipment for Taki's early morning session. He hears footsteps right on time. Taki walks in as the sun rises.

After greeting each other, they warm up with shoulder circles and light hops before doing burpees.

"Go for 3 sets of 10", the sinewy man instructs.

Taki tries to go for a quick burpee and loses his balance.

"Easy! You will get there. Just keep doing what I taught you."

He obliges and does the beginner version of the burpees. Iphicles gives him a 15lb kettlebell for the kettlebell swings and he does 3 sets of 10 as well. Instead of doing the sled, Iphicles takes him to a bench and demonstrates the dumbbell bench press.

Taki is handed the dumbbells and Iphicles motions how to lay down properly and how to exit if too much.

He lays down by kneeing the dumbbells closer to his chest. He pinches his shoulder blades and tucks his chin. He imagines the chest engagement and pushes off. He does exactly what Iphicles wanted him to do. During his rest break, Echo comes into the gym.

"Hey, Echo!", Taki waves at her.

The nymph cracks a grin, but she briskly walks to another part of the gym. He lets her be and focuses on his workout.

He finishes the exercise. "Whew! I feel it now!"

"It's going to get better from here."

He goes to take the dumbbells, but Taki stops him. "I got it. Let me do this."

He nods and lets him put the weights away. As he does so, he notices Echo shooting arrows in the target range. Some of her arrows start missing the mark as if she's distracted by something on her mind.

"Takashi! Come over for your sled exercise!", Iphicles tells him.


He sees the sled is empty.

"Let's try no weight and go from there. Start pulling."

He makes a stance and pulls on the rope. It was less difficult than yesterday, but still challenging. He gets it to his side and pushes it back.

"Do it again", while adding some weight.

Taki can feel the rope being ingrained in his hands, but he ignores it to reach his goal. He won't let pain deter him from reaching home.....He then finds it almost impossible to push the sled back this time. His anger brings out the green wisps to help him overcome this obstacle, but he calms himself.

Echo looks back at him from that output.

"I got this", before digging his feet into the ground. The sledge finally budges little by little. He bends down lower as he engages his chest while pushing. He manages to push it against the wall and he almost falls.

Iphicles catches him. "You did good, kid. You got heart. Ready for the next exercise?"

"After some rest."

Iphicles lays him against a wall and grabs him some water. He gulps it all down. Despite the soreness and pain from today, he's proud of himself.

I will definitely work out more when I get home. Plus, more sexy time with Penelope. She won't resist my new body.

"There's one more exercise if you are up for it."

He pushes off of the wall to get up. "Bring it."

"This will help with agility and speed when you have to jump to the side quickly."

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