Meeting the Coach

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Takashi walks into the forest to get to the trainer the Oracle mentioned. Due to most of the trees being bunched together, sunlight is peeking through small open spaces. He has his guard up since he doesn't know what to expect from the forest.

Twig snaps.

His sword screeches out in defense. Adrenaline pumps through his veins with a loud beating heart. He lowers his sword with a breath of relief. A doe popped her head out of the bushes. She walks out slowly while looking at him.

He sheathes his sword to reassure the herbivore that he wasn't going to hurt her. Her stomach grumbles out of hunger.

Taki fetches some berries in his knapsack and extends his hand. "It's okay. Come over", his hushed voice carries over.

The deer makes her way---


Pikes attached to a log swing out and skewer the deer! Her frail body is pinned against a tree with her blood staining the bark. The berries drop from his hands in horror. Her weak breaths accompany her miserable groans.

He remembers from the four-month skip that although he learned how to hunt, it was difficult for him to take an animal's life. He couldn't see himself go through with it.

"I'm sorry. Rewind", he states with sadness. The tragic flow of time reverses. "Play."

The doe pops its head out of the bushes. He immediately takes the bag of berries and throws it away from his location.

He waves his hands in that direction. "Go that way. Please, go that way."

The deer fortunately listens to his relief. He waits.....a smile on his face from no more traps being sprung.

He crouches down and finds the wire of the trap. "Slow."

Time slows down as he cuts the wire. He backs out of the way and lets it pass by him. The log slowly reaches the tree.


Thud! He cautiously looks around before heading in the direction of the doe. His mind wonders if the Oracle had made a mistake. The trap was too barbaric for hunting purposes, but he has to dismiss it in order to get back home.

The deer looks up at him with a stained blue nose. She eats her fill before running off with the bag in her mouth. He follows her path as no other traps are sprung until he can no longer hear her.

Although he thinks of climbing up a tree to get an advantage, his mind reminds him of needing Paris' help to climb up. He has to stick to the ground while sparingly using his abilities. His hands reach down to collect plenty of dirt and pebbles.

He launches some to the north of him. The debris clatters with no trap being set.....His hands are covered in his attempts to reach the hut.

Twig snaps!

He drops his whole body to the ground, stifling the grunt from coming out. The bushes ahead of him rustle until a family of tusked pigs come out. Squeals as they see the strange human before leaving him alone. A chuckle escapes his lips. He steadies his heart before making another step. His eyes cautious of the arranged pile of leaves.

A branch from above gives way. He jumps back and lets it fall in front of him. It falls through the pile. Leaves dance around while giving away its metal teeth. His mind thanks him for not going near it. He throws some dirt to the west of him and goes in that direction.....

A slithery animal attempts to reach across to the next branch but fails to make it. It hisses in pain from hitting branches before landing on flesh. Its forked tongue tells it of the human whose shoulders are trembling. Hands wanting to throw it far away from him, but the black asp protects itself.

It plunges its fangs deep into his right wrist. Taki yells while grabbing it around the head to make it let go. The slippery skin allows the snake to plunge again into his neck! He tosses it away into some bushes while scrambling towards a nearby tree. His milk chocolate eyes waver from the adrenaline rush.

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