The Mystery of Boeotia

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Artemis' dog paws at the ground, backing up from the presence of the Olympian King.

He understands how it looks. "My child, I didn't do any of this. I'm just as surprised as you are."

Her dog's ears perk up again from sensing more people. It turns to see Hera, Athena with her robot owl on her shoulder, and Hermes.

"He's right. I told him about Mnemosyne, and we were forming a plan in case the killer was to strike", Hera informs.

The messenger god's glasses almost slides off his nose. "This is all.....terrible."

While Athena's helmet glows to gain insight, she sends her mechanized owl to fly around for more evidence.

Zeus falls to his knees from seeing Mnemosyne's corpse. His large hands pull her from the dirt and turn her over. He caresses her face as if he did this before. Glimpses of their love pass into his mind by the touch. He holds her close to him before a wail erupts into the night sky. 

"Mnemosyne, I loved you so much. Who did this to you and your people?", Zeus' voice breaks like a mirror. His tears collide against her fair skin like rain drops.

The hunting dog nuzzles its nose against his shoulder. From behind, Hera wraps her arms around his neck. Although she hated his lovers, she would never want his heart to ache.

After some time to grieve, he gives her a gentle kiss on the cheek before laying her down. "I will arrange a beautiful funeral once it's all done. Our daughters will not mourn you in vain."

The deity of wisdom's helmet stops glowing. Her owl returns with nothing in its talons.

Artemis speaks through her dog. "Athena, what did you find out?"

"This wasn't recent. It happened a little more than four months ago."

Artemis' dog whines. Hermes' staff clatters to the ruined ground. Athena's owl squawks in horror of his master's words. Zeus' sky-blue eyes remain still, keeping himself strong for his children.

Taki, Heracles, and Echo are able to listen in because of Artemis, but aren't able to speak to protect them all. Their expressions said it all. Taki gets his phone out to record the conversation.

"More than four months ago?", Artemis asks to clarify.

"My light examined the corpses, and it fits their timing of deaths. They all died around the same time that Mnemosyne was killed."

"Do you know who did this?", her father inquires.

"I still can't find out who did this. Whoever it was made sure to hide their steps."

Zeus looks at his ex-lover's body and notices something. His eyes grow white like a cloud. Thunderbolts start zapping the ground around them. Hermes saves Artemis' dog from getting hit. Athena protects herself with a barrier, but it shakes from the bolts hitting it. Taki's breathing is cut short like a ribbon.

Hera grabs onto her husband with flowers to absorb the shock. "MY LOVE! STOP THIS! WE WILL MAKE THEM PAY TOGETHER!"

His white eyes revert to his blue hues. Her voice helps him settle back into reality. His lips quiver from the sight of his terrified children. Even Athena couldn't hide it.

"I'm so sorry. I almost..."

Hera kisses his cheek. "It's okay, my love. No one is hurt."

Zeus kisses her back on the cheek. "Thank you for keeping me steady."

Their united hands squeeze each other.

"W-What did you find, father?", Hermes trembles with his question.

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