Perseus after Medusa

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Perseus recalls what happened after Medusa's death that led up to meeting them. When he was shopping in the market with his sons for maza cakes, people were in awe of The Gorgon Slayer. Praises of Medusa's death made their hands tremble. He prevented his golden aura from flaring out.

Children ran up to play with the winged horse. Pegasus lowered his wings down so they could touch. Gentle fingers brushed against the soft as a cloud wings.

"Good horsie!"

Pegasus wrapped his wings around them to give them all a hug.

While Pegasus played with the kids, Perseus saw Chrysaor walking off in a different direction. The armored man was "talking" with an owner of a brothel upon finding love.

"Is this where I can find a girlfriend?"

"Sure. You can call them whatever you want, if you have the money for it."

Perseus dragged his son away to explain that wasn't the right place to look. That they weren't terrible people, just not the right type for his son. He figured a course on sex education would be beneficial for him.

"What is that?"

"You learn about your anatomy and a woman's anatomy as well. You also learn where babies come from if you're not careful."

"Do babies come from having sex?"

"You catch on faster than Hermes. Let's go back to shopping."

They returned back to Pegasus who's letting a little girl ride him. He saw his father and stopped. He thought he saw his father smile, but thought the sunlight was playing tricks on him. The father took his daughter off of him.

"See you next time," she waved.

Pegasus bowed his head to her.

Perseus got to a vendor to buy honey. The items were given away for free for his heroic actions. 

"Anything for the Gorgon Slayer."

He stifled the bitter rage of aura that was going to erupt. His sons overheard and narrowed their eyes. The vendor asked why his friends were upset. He told them his sons hate that nickname and prefers no one else to say it. That Medusa wasn't a monster that Athena claimed. She was a victim.

Laughter erupted from the insanity of the statements. The passing comments brought out the golden wisps. He banged his hand against the table, leaving a dent in it. He announced to everyone that Poseidon violated Medusa and that Chrysaor and Pegasus were his children.

He and his sons displayed their aura at the same time. Their golden auras blended with each other harmoniously. Despite the truth of this, the people would never openly question Athena's word.

The honey vendor spoke up. "Athena said she was willing to have sex with Pos-"

Perseus grabbed the vendor by the collar. Piercing blue eyes silenced him. "Finish that line."

The terror of the people around him forced him to let go. He and Chrysaor quickly jumped onto Pegasus and flew back to the palace. Perseus dropped his basket to fire off a divine uppercut that soared into the sky.

Danae shuffled her feet towards her son. His teary eyes led her to embrace him. After telling her what happened, she kissed his cheek. 


One day, Kostos received news about the kingdom of Aethiopia as they were having lunch. He reads the scroll and was alarmed. The queen boasted that her daughter's beauty is beyond that of Poseidon's daughters.

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