The Ugly Truth

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Perseus and Chrysaor settle in their room while Pegasus is poking his head inside through the window.

He rests the head of Medusa on the dresser and writes an important note to not touch it. He lays his bag by the bed and covers it with his cloak.

"That was too close," he speaks with a hush.

"What do you mean?" the metallic man gestures with his hands.

"I know what I told you both before, but we can't openly say the truth. These two seem like our best chance at granting our wish and I don't want to throw that out."

"I know, but I hate it."

Pegasus snorts in agreement.

"I know. It hurts me too," he places a hand on Chrysaor's shoulder. "I will tell them the truth, but I need to completely trust them first."

Knock, knock.

He answers it to find Echo at the door holding a wrapped object in her hand.

"Sorry. Is this a bad time?"

Chrysaor smiles upon seeing her again.

"It's not. Echo, right?"

"That's me! Oh, I came with something to help Chrysaor." She unwraps the cloth and inside is a jar of healing ointment. "I know the wound is healed, but this can hide the claw marks if he doesn't want them."

Chrysaor walks towards her. Her heart thuds against her sternum. She is confused why her body is doing this. He gently takes the jar and signs something to her.

"I'm sorry. I don't know sign language. What did he say?"

"He said: Thank you, Echo. You're sweet."

Chrysaor frantically signs to Perseus. "I didn't say the last part!"

"Y-You're welcome. Do you need help putting it on?" she blurts while turning redder than wine. She wonders why she said this.

Chrysaor bashfully shakes his head no. He opens the jar and rubs a bit of it on his well-defined chest. The nymph averts her eyes from staring for too long.

His eyes open widely as the ointment on his chest glows. The marks vanish into nothingness. He shows Pegasus and he neighs in surprise.

Perseus smiles. "Wow! He's looking better now. At first, he wanted to keep them as a memory, but I guess things have changed."

Chrysaor signs to Echo while Perseus translated.

"Thank you. Where did you get this from?"

"I got it from Artemis. I'm glad it worked on you."

"Echo, he's not busy at the moment. Could you give him a tour around the temple? He will write down any questions he has for you."


The demigod gives the metallic man papyrus on wood with a quill and ink jar.

"Maybe you can also teach her some sign language along the way. Take your time and we will meet at lunch."

The brass giant takes the items before following Echo outside the room. Perseus walks back to the tote bag and covers up a pair of dark sunglasses that don't belong to this world.

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3

"I'm still new to this place, but I will give it my best from memory. You don't mind if I talk a lot? I know for some people it can be annoying so if I get too much then let me know before I go on and on. Oh, I just did that. Sorry," the nymph rambles to him.

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