Family Reunion

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The demigods rush the shoreline near Olympia to search for their resurrected loved ones among the resurrected demigods. The divine offspring were already told by Thanatos who wished them back. They quickly express a thank you, knowing that their eyes are scanning around.

They depart shortly to make things easier for Heracles and the others.

The ears of Zeus' mighty son perk up.


He finds his twin sons and scoops them up into his arms. Tears happily run down as he kisses the tops of their heads. Megara wraps her arms around her husband's waist.

Heracles lets his sons cling to his tree trunk legs.

"I knew you would win", his wife smiles.

He lifts her up for a long loving kiss. He carries her bridal style as they talk.

"That extra motivation helped out a lot", he lightly jokes.

Meg laughs. "Well, you will have more of that later. Oh and who is this?"

"Oh, this is my nephew, Pegasus."

His family raises their eyebrows from seeing the winged horse.

He turns to Perseus who is searching for Medusa. "I'm sorry. I was in the moment. Megara, Therimachus, and Ophites, this is your uncle, Perseus. This is Pegasus' father."

The young son of Zeus smiles. "You can call me Percy if you like. Nice to meet everyone."

Meg's family is still confused, but she accepts it anyway.

Her sons go to him first.

"Uncle Percy?"

He nods. "Hello, grandchi-I mean nephews. Oh and these are your cousins. This is Pegasus and his brother, the brass man, is Chrysaor. Chrysaor was born mute, but he can do sign language and write. And this is Echo.....she is Artemis' closest friend."

Heracles' family are in awe of their new family members. Echo reads their lips and can think of their names in her mind.

Megara embraces Perseus. "Thank you for being there for him."

"He was there for me too. Welcome back, sister-in-law."

Pegasus gladly shows off his wings and uses them to embrace his new family. Herc's sons touch his soft wings.

Megara can't stop crying. "Our family has gotten bigger. This is great news."

Herc's sons go to Chrysaor and Echo. Ophites raises his arms up to be picked up. The metal man lifts him carefully with both hands.

"Hi, cousin!"

Echo is happy to see Chrysaor like this. A tug on her dress turns her to Therimachus.


Echo waves hello to him.

"You can't speak either?"

She nods.

"That's okay. Can you teach me some sign language too?"

The mountain nymph accepts.

Megara whispers to Perseus who explains what happened to her. The princess embraces Echo with her love. Tears of happiness and comfort steadily run down. Gentle rubbing on her back from her true lover.

Megara lets go to help Perseus. "I know you're looking for Medusa."

"You know her?", the demigod asks.

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