Change of the Guard

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Lively music and plates of food swim around the banquet room in Seriphos with the king's hand crushing Danae's gentle hand. A tremor shook the palace as if a giant was stepping around. Danae was afraid that an earthquake was happening. Kostos gathered the guards. The doors then swung open.

The guards behind Perseus were all knocked out, rendering the king speechless. A winged horse and a tall man covered in brass armor astonished them. Kostos and Danae were happy to see him again but wondered what's going to happen next.

"W-Who are you?!" The king stood with fear.

"Perseus of Seriphos. Son of Danae and Zeus. I have returned."

"G-Glad to see that you have returned home, Pers-"

Perseus demanded the king to release his mother from marrying him. He gently brought up the bag containing what he was sent for.

Polydectes laughed while clutching his fat belly. "So you have actually done it?"

The diamond ring on Danae's finger pieced it all together. His aura flared up. The guests, servants, and Kostos were amazed, yet terrified of the energy he's showing.

Polydectes trembled. He used the excuse that the demigod was killed and months had passed. The king even brought up how his mother cried almost every night.

Perseus silenced his aura. He apologized to his mother and demanded that she be released at once. The king lambasted him for his ungrateful behavior. His mother and him could have lived as peasants if it weren't for him.

"Are you happy with him?" Percy asked his mother.

"How dare you ask-"

"I'm not happy. I love someone else," she defiantly spoke up.

The king and some of his servants were shocked by what she said. He yanked her over to him, hurting her with his firm grip. Perseus's sons stepped forward, but he held them back. He tried to figure out what to do without any blood being spilled.

Polydectes ordered Kostos to place Danae into the dungeon until she acted right. The sword of the captain almost met with the king's throat. The king removed his hand and Danae ran behind the man she loved.

Perseus knew there would be bloodshed as the guards questioned their loyalty. He had no resort.

With the aid of Uncle Taki's sunglasses, he used his divine aura to be in front of the king. His eyes shot open in terror. Percy made sure Medusa would be facing the right way before unleashing her power.

The snakes rattled alive with her glowing emeralds. Within less than a snap, the king turned to stone. His guests ran away to avoid the same fate.

Perseus placed Medusa's head back in the bag and closed it. He turned around. "A new king shall be crowned today. One whose actions match his words and will treat the people right. " He took the crown off the statue's head. "According to the line, Kostos is now king."

The bald captain almost lost his balance. "W-What? But his marriage to Dan-"

He gave him the symbol of royalty. "He violated our deal so this belongs to you. You are the father that I always wanted. You taught me so much and I'm grateful for all of it. You also love my mother and there's no better man she could be with. Take the role and we will protect you."

Danae held him lovingly and smiled at him. Kostos caressed her face before accepting the crown.

"Arise, King Kostos."

Every servant bowed to him out of reverence. The guards closest to the king thought about leaving.

"I grant you no harm. Now leave," the demigod affirmed.

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