Bouncing Back

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Echo returns to the others through a love portal. She can't help but do multiple cartwheels as they ate leftovers from breakfast. Flowers decorate the blades of green on the ground.

"Ask me! Ask me how it went!", she baits with a wide smile on her face.

Artemis smiles with amusement. "How did it go?"

"It was more than I ever imagined! We had such a great time. We talked about our futures together and he's serious about us. We are going on another date tomorrow! He also gave me a gift before I left. Look at it!", she rambles with joy.

She spins and her purple cloak flows around.

"How beautiful. May I touch it?", Helena asks. Echo nods.

She feels it between her fingers. "It is made so well."

"He must have spent a good fortune on this. This is what my best friend deserves. To be treated like a queen", Artemis praises.

"I like the sound of that. Queen to his king."

"I'm glad you both had a good time", Taki chimes in.

"What happened on the date?", Helena asks.

"Where to start? Oh, we had a good lunch and he asked about everyone here."

Artemis' suspicion is written on her face. Helena and Taki are taken aback that he would ask about them.

"Artemis, he was sincere and I didn't tell him anything about Takashi's condition. He apologized for how he treated him and that he wants to do better since he sees me as his future wife."

The trio are astounded.

"Future wife?"

"I even called him my future husband. Ah, I can only imagine our wedding. The sound of romantic music as we dance. We even talked about children."

"I didn't think he was the parenting type", Taki hides his doubt.

"He says he's open to adopting children. He doesn't want biological children because....he had an abusive childhood."

"Oh, I didn't know."

"His past is probably why he puts up a front. But he told me that seeing me is helping him open up more. I can see what makes him so beautiful."

"And what happened next? Did you...kiss?", Helena wants to know.

She sighs happily. "He sure did!"

"What's a kiss like?"

"A warm blanket on top of you after being out in the cold. That you would like to stay forever, if forever was an option."

"That sounds nice."

Takashi senses some sadness from Helena's words. "You will be kissed by the man of your dreams one day. Maybe you will find him along the way", he encourages.

Helena turns away to hide her crimson face. She reminds herself that he was just being helpful.

Artemis shifts the focus away from her. "Echo, I'm so proud of you. You are getting the treatment you deserve. I wish you both many years of love and health."

Echo is touched and hugs her. "Thank you, bestie! Could you be my maid of honor when it happens?"



Artemis turns to Helena. "In fact, Helena, I would like to walk you to the altar on your wedding day."

Her eyes well up. "You would really do that?"

"I am your mother, after all."

The two embrace. "I would love that."

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