Calm Before The Storm

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Earth: 4pm Oct 27th

Penelope turns over to her side. The empty side of the bed continues to haunt her. She stares at the sheets pushed to the side, awaiting Taki's arrival. She closes her eyes. Imagining his warm smile while slowly opening her eyes.

His side is still unoccupied. She hears her baby crying and fights to get out of bed. She throws on her husband's bathrobe and goes to her. Aiko is trying to comfort her grandchild.

"Hey, Penny. I fed and changed her, but she is still fussing."

"I think she wants her mama."

Aiko hands Penny her child and she gently rocks back and forth.

"Hi, beloved. Has grandma been good to you?"

Hearing her mom's voice calms her down. "There, there. Mama is right here."

She walks around with her and shows her a picture.

"This is your handsome dad. I see you have his nose and eyes. You are my beautiful daughter and I'm proud that you arrived out of our love. Daddy will be home soon. He will play with you and everything. When you get older, he's going to warn you about boys. He's not a fighter, but he will throw hands if it comes down to it", she chuckles.

"Are you hungry, Penny?"

She nods.

"Good! I made some fresh ramen for you."

She licks her lips. "With that tasty pork?"


She prepares a bowl for her while she holds her baby. Aiko twirls the noodles around and gently blows it before feeding it to Penny. Her taste buds light up from the delicious flavor. Her daughter's hands reach out for the noodles.

"Your grandma is the best. I can't wait to see your face when you try her cooking. Just not yet."

After spooning her the broth, Aiko washes the dishes.

Penny sinks back against the couch. "Mmmm. I missed eating stuff like that."

"Glad you liked it. I made extra just in case Taki gets back. He really loves ramen."

"Especially with two fried eggs on top."

"That's true. He really loves his food. I see some of that came from you too", she laughs.

"I am a bad influence on him", she smirks.

Some laughter brings them some peace.

Aiko dries her hands. "Oh, I extended my stay here for another month."

"Really? You didn't have to do that. That's your retirement money."

"I wanted to. By then, he should be back home. Do you know what you are going to say to him?"

"That I miss him and to talk about his promotion offer before his paternity leave ends. That new role would have him travel to different states and overseas since the company is successful now."

"How did you feel when he told you about the promotion?"

     "Back then, I was happy for him. He asked if I wanted to move with him to a new state and I said yes. But I lied and he knew it. He knows all of my friends and family are right here and that I love my job here. He said we would talk about it more just to make sure. Now, I wish I told him the truth. That I wanted to stay here and now....that he shouldn't take the job."

Tears won't stop streaming down her face.

Aiko wipes her face with a tissue. "You can tell him when he gets back. I just feel that he's on his way as we know it."

Silence sits between the two.

"Hey, have you noticed how Hikari is taking it?", Aiko asks.

"She's being hopeful, right?", she bluffs.

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