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Nov 21st; meanwhile in Colorado

Hikari's heart jumps up and down from the disruptive changes in the energy levels. Things finally stabilize. She vows to herself to smack her little brother upside the head for his antics. She refuses to die from high blood pressure.

One thought keeps crashing into her mind like an eroding wave. The thought that Takashi will be part of a pending large event where his levels will change throughout one day.

Her fingers grip the blanket. Please stay safe, brother.

In California, Penelope tosses and turns akin to a ship caught in a storm. The raindrops stabbing the heart of her deck. Although he's safe now, the thought of him cheating enters her mind. She pushes that tidal wave back with the honey filled words he recited. She hopes to hear those words in person.

Her feet softly thud on the floor to walk around. Her daughter's peacefully sleeping under the soft glow of moonlight on her pajama covered feet. With a baby monitor in hand, she walks downstairs.

His "bronze goddess" of a wife checks the calendar on the fridge. X's mark it with a few days away from Thanksgiving.

He will be here. I just-

"Can't sleep either?" Aiko on the couch interrupts her thoughts.

Penny almost jumps out of her skin.

"Sorry. I didn't mean to do that."

"It's okay."

Aiko gets on her feet. "I think he's safe, but something has happened. I just wish I knew what it was."

"I wish I knew too."

"When he gets back, I know he will tell us everything. Hikari mentioned to me about how he could be in a new world. What kind of world do you think he could be in?"

"I don't know. It seems too danger-"

The thought of her husband's previous death halts her.

Aiko embraces her with the warmth of a heavy blanket. "......Would you like some of my cbd gummies?"

Her eyes pop wide open. Her mother-in-law squints at her.

"Taki told me you were strongly against drugs."

Aiko dismisses it with a gentle wave. "Things have changed. These gummies help me relax before I go to sleep."

"Any side effects?"

"Just makes you sleepy."

"I will take one."

"And don't tell him or Hikari that I take these. They will never let me hear the end of this," she quiets her laughter.

Penny laughs. "So true. They would be the scolding parents." After a pleasant tasting gummy, she returns under the blanket. "Please be more careful, my love. I will make you regret making my heart bounce too much. I'm going to suffocate you with my body upon your return. Good night."



The land of Olympia is filled with millions of green blades up until gentle waves kiss the shoreline.

Foundations of stone and rock are hovering in the air and settled in their rightful places. Athena admires her handiwork while Artemis keeps watch. The silver bow of The Huntress creaks from wanting to avenge the Trojans right then and there. She bites her tongue while keeping her distance.

Crackling. Zap!

The sisters jump from their sudden appearance of their father, Zeus. His sky-blue eyes are filled with the wrath of numerous storms. His daughters tremble from seeing this side of him again. The last time was during the Trojan War.

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