Of Arrows & Aura

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A fall breeze passes between the mortal student and his immortal teacher. 

Artemis crosses her arms. "Before we get started, Echo mentioned that you can pause and resume time. Is that correct?"

"That is true. I can also slow down and jump forward and backwards as well."

"Show me how that works', she says with intrigue.

"Alright. Slow."

The goddess and the nymph notice a bird in mid-flight, flapping its wings very slowly.

"How fascinating!", Echo proclaims.


The bird starts flying in reverse and the breeze comes back towards them.

"Stop. Fast forward. Play."

Everything resumes as normal.

"By saying a keyword, you can activate your power?", Artemis rightly assumes.


"That is so amazing! I bet those powers came in handy for you. I wish I had that kind of power. I can take back words and help others out with it. Who did you get your powers from?", Echo asks.

"I found out from the Oracle that I'm the son of Kronos."

"Kronos? Who is he?", Artemis questions.

Takashi's eyebrows raise. "He would be your grandpa since Zeus is your father."

"Would that make the two of you family? Or am I wrong about that?"

"Echo's right. By that logic, I'm your niece."

The nymph's flowers grow along with her smile. "This calls for a celebration! We should have a large feast and-"

Artemis holds Echo by the shoulders. "I love you, best friend. But this is not the time for that. So.....saying keywords activates what you want to do. I see the drawback in it. You could be attacked mid-sentence or gagged to prevent that from happening."

Echo looks at him and wonders if that is true. Takashi's nod confirms it. Poseidon drugging him before tossing him to the Minotaur and Stavros when he choked him to death. The nymph's eyes tear up while Artemis stays strong for the three of them.

"Ares told me. I'm sorry about that."

"I hated how my past trauma affected me in that fight. That......was the first time I actually died", while clenching his fists.

Artemis and Echo are confused by his emphasis. The goddess' face asked to clarify. Taki explains the basics of his reset power.....

"That sounds really useful though. I don't understand how-"

Artemis motions with one hand and Echo stops talking. The goddess feels something disturbing will unfold.

".........Because I mentally jumped backwards in time, I would leave my physical body behind."

Echo gasps. "That's terrible! How many times did you have to do that?"

He raises three fingers. "All of them are because of Poseidon."

"That's not all. What is the last consequence?", the goddess questions.

"Echo, I'm going to come clean. I'm not from Asia Minor. I'm from a world called Earth."

"Another world? What does that mean? Artemis, is there really another world?"

Artemis senses he's telling the truth. "How different is it from Gaia?"

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