Mirror of Time & Space

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Mt Olympus

The portal closes behind Takashi, Artemis, Hestia, Hera, and Poseidon. The fish in the sea god's room gravitate towards the edge of the glass walls.

Taki lays a gentle hand on a trembling Hestia. "Sis, thanks for being here, but I'm good now. He won't hurt me."

Hestia turns her face. "I won't leave until you return home safely."


Slow, staggered steps approach the Mirror of Space and Time. Artemis' arrow is ready for the unexpected. The youngest son of Kronos grips his hour-hand blade.

Poseidon chuckles. "If you get both halves, little brother, that will make you a god in your world."

"I don't care about that."

"Don't you want the attention and praise?"

"I will use my powers just to help Earth and Gaia. That's it."

The sea god sighs with disappointment. "What a waste."

Hera pokes him in the side with the tip of her flower arrow. "I will gladly watch my husband punish you."

"I thought you would like the idea of Troy burning."

 "Yes, but not what happened to them after that."

"The People of Troy will receive justice for your crimes", the voice of Zeus carries over to them.

Most turn in happiness from the Olympian King's presence. The storms in his eyes intensify while staring at his aquamarine sibling. Hera is happy not to be on the receiving end of that glare.

Poseidon's grip on his trident trembles to keep himself afloat.

"I won't punish Atlantis. Hera and I will personally handle your punishment", the king snarls.

Artemis chimes in. "But, Father. Do you know what she did to Heracles and to my loved ones?"

The storm in his blue eyes become a calm. His eyes tell her to continue. With a flash of her gold aura, sparks form around the outline of his body.

Zeus grits his teeth at Hera. "You will get your punishment after him."

Hera's eyes avert away, wondering what he will do to her.

The sparks settle down. Zeus' face turns to his youngest sibling who's in awe of his majesty.

"Little brother, let's get you home. I'm sorry about Poseidon. You have him under control?"

Taki nods while touching the red bracelet. "With plenty of time left."

Artemis and Hestia quickly hug him. The Huntress invites him and his wife to come here at any time. The deity of the hearth promises plenty of treats when he returns. A good, warm embrace that slowly drifts apart.

Takashi motions Poseidon to approach the mirror with him. The emerald engravings on the mirror glow from their proximity. Pieces of his home made visible. His phone chimes off with all the messages being sent and received.

He steps to the left side of Poseidon and turns to him. "Give me your power over sp-"

Blood splatter. A sharp exhale.

The other deities are horrified. Poseidon withdraws his hand from the hole he punctured into Taki's ribs. Confusion takes over as his body collapses to the floor.


His wound heals over, but the red bracelet is still intact. The Earth Shaker is standing tall with his divinity intact.

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