The Circus

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Controlled fires light up the inside of the tent. Three big circles are arranged to hold the upcoming acts. Benches on elevated platforms are packed to the ends. A man dressed in full red with shiny gold pins steps in the middle circle.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Welcome to our show! If you have never seen us before, make some noise!", the ringmaster speaks with a booming voice.

The tent erupts with loud cheers.

"Wow! We have a lot of first timers with us! You are all in for a treat! Please welcome our first act: our nimble tightrope acrobats!", he points upwards.

There's a man on one side and a woman on the other on the second highest platforms. The man and the woman nod to each other as their signal to start. They start walking on the tightropes.

Echo, Helena, and Taki are in awe as they walk confidently on the thin cables. The blue matching partners forward flip over to their opposite sides and keep walking as if nothing happened. The crowd applauds their work. The acrobats make it to their sides to begin the next routine. They climb the highest platforms on their respective sides.

"How is my lovely Echo?", Narcissus asks.

"It's so much fun!"

"Did you know that I can do all of that stuff, plus more?", he brags.

Her head tilts. "Really?"

"I can show you how to do it if you like."

"I would like that." Her stomach grumbles. "Sorry about that. I'm going to get some food and be right back."

He grabs her by the wrist. "Echo, my darling, don't leave your seat. I don't want you to miss the entertainment I paid for."

Echo doesn't want to argue with him and sits back down.  "Okay."

The black-haired friend who complimented her dress taps her on the shoulder. She turns and sees two wrapped meat pies by her side.

"Look at that, Narcissus!"

Echo takes this chance to scarf down the small meat pies.

"Nothing is happening. What are you pointing at, Michaelis?", the demigod is annoyed.

"My fault! My eyes aren't so good", he bluffs.

She wipes the crumbs off her face with her arm and cheers for the acrobats.

The male acrobat grabs a metal bar attached to the top of the tent and he raises his arm to the crowd for them to cheer.

"What's he going to do?", Helena asks Taki.

"We'll see!"

The acrobat steps backwards and runs off of the platform, using the momentum to swing. Halfway through, the woman throws him the next bar.....

and he jumps to grab the bar successfully to swing over to the woman. The crowd applauds.

The woman takes the swing and runs off the platform. She jumps with a forward flip, catching the bar with her hands. The momentum carries her to the other side along with the applause. The acrobats clap at the crowd to hype up their final act. Everyone, except for Narcissus, joins in.

The man runs with the swing off his platform and he flips with his strong legs hanging onto the bar with his arms outstretched. The woman swings over. She flips midway. The crowd holds their breath. 

The guy catches her before swinging back. The crowd cheers and Helena is relieved as the couple make it back safely. They wave their hands and bow before leaving.

"Whooo!", Helena cheers.

"Amazing!", Taki yells.

"So cool!"

"Great job!", Artemis claps.

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