Big News

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Nov 15th

During the 3-day gap....

Takashi kept utilizing his zone ability to his favor. Thanks to "skipping" rest breaks twice a day, he feels stronger than before.

While in an archery session, he shot at the moving targets of Artemis. When they fired off their own projectiles-

"Zone. Slow!"

The arrows moved as if they were hitting through a barrier of syrup. With this cheat code, he snatched some of the projectiles and blasted the targets with them.

Completing his archery lesson earned him another bootcamp session with Artemis. Despite the burning pain, he used zone and fast forward to melt the pain away before Heracles' training.

With the experience, the larger lamb bounced as he ran up and down with ease.


"I know. You're proud of me", he told the lamb.

At night, he would rest his body and left Penelope some personal messages.

"This body is all yours to love, Penelope. I will take my time kissing you from the top of your head to the bottom of your feet. I will be your only servant, my bronze goddess."

Throughout the three days, the others contemplate how to comfort the mountain nymph. Her crown of flowers had wilted from Narcissus' lack of contact. She clutched the purple cloak, hoping that he will send a letter back. Artemis sat by her friend in silence.

"Echo? Echo?", Taki asked.

"Yes?", she smiled to hide the pain inside.

"Mind if I sit with you?"

"I don't mind."

Taki sits down on the opposite side.

"I sent out numerous letters and he hasn't responded. Did......Did I do something wrong to him?", she broke the silence.

"Of course, not", the goddess quickly assured.

"Maybe it's on the way", Taki tried to calm the shaky thoughts in her mind.

"I just miss his voice......Does he even love me?"

"He did say it to you. He must have meant it."

"Has a girl ever said I love you and didn't talk to you afterwards?", the nymph questioned Taki.

"Before Penelope, I did have a girlfriend. She did say those words, but she left me."

"Why is that?"

"I had a nervous breakdown because of that night. She saw me at my lowest and didn't like it. She wouldn't respond to my messages or calls after that."

She patted his back. "I'm sorry."

"It all worked out with Penelope. She still loved me even after seeing my lowest moment. She's so awesome......But you shouldn't compare my situation with yours. You know what? Sometimes a good shout is what you need."


"AAAAHHHHHHHHH!", he shouted at the top of his lungs. "Get all your frustration out in a shout!"

Echo inhaled. Her painful shout accompanied by Artemis and Heracles made her flowers turn a brighter hue.

A laugh escaped her prison lips. "Thank you."

The next day, she received a letter from Narcissus to her joy. Her nostrils inhaled his perfume to save it in her memories. Her flowers bloomed larger in size, almost covering her face. As soon as she plucked them, new buds grow in their place. "He wrote back!"

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