The Final Member

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Takashi's eyes slowly open. His vision blurs before the new room settles into his mind. The faint sunlight pouring in through the window reveal Echo and Heracles sleeping by his bedside.

His fingers feel the soft red satin sheets under him. He pieces together the last thing that happened to him. I was trying out FF2...

He grips the sheets out of frustration with his attempt at progress. With a long exhale, he takes note of the room he's in. Nothing is familiar to him until his milk chocolate eyes recognize the symbol on a dresser facing his bed.

An open clam with a heart inscribed. Above the symbol rests his bags and a plate with a lid on top. On his right, a basin with a mirror fixed to the wall.

His watch alarm buzzes, stirring up Heracles and Echo. Taki checks the watch and blinks multiple times. Nov 19th..a whole day just passed him.

The mountain nymph smiles that his energy levels are restoring like an hourglass. She latches onto him tightly with welled up eyes. "I'm so glad you're okay!"

Taki reciprocates the embrace with an accompanied wince. "I'm sorry I scared you both. I didn't know that would happen."

"Don't you ever do that again!" Artemis' voice speaks to him despite not being in the room.

He looks around and sees a lit totem of hers in Echo's hand. "Niece?"

"Heracles and Echo told me everything that happened. They got you to Aphrodite's temple in Corinth to save what was left of your energy. If they were empty..."

Taki knows how she would have ended the sentence.

"Don't scare me like that again, uncle. I beg of you."

"I won't use that form ever again. It's too risky."

"That's not what I want you to do," Artemis objects.

He leans forward. "What?"

"That new form can be useful, but since you're still new to being a demigod, you lack divine endurance," Heracles informs.

"Like my energy channels weren't ready for that?" Taki asks for clarification.

"Aphrodite said she will help enlarge your endurance. She is willing to help you because you saved the Trojans. And more good news! The final member of the team will meet you at the temple. He should be coming in soon," Artemis explains.

"Who is he, sister?" Heracles asks.

"Best for him to introduce himself to you. Just know that he's another child of Zeus."

"I have another demigod relative? I know Orpheus and I are related because of our father."

From Penelope's notes, Taki pieces that the two are cousins.

"You actually have many of them. Father is, I mean was, known for having multiple children. Some of them will participate in the tournament as well."

Heracles brushes through his hair. "I might have to fight my own siblings for my wish."

"I hope there are no deadly games so we can all make it," his uncle pats his shoulder.

"I pray so too. I also got your head coach who's willing to provide healing and encouragement. You will see her at the games. Just know that she's not okay with violence."

"That's okay," Taki understands.

"That will give Hestia peace of mind."

A smile graces his face. "Penny's favorite goddess leading our team. That's a good omen."

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