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Clang! Clang! Clang!

The blades of a revitalized Takashi and Artemis collide during their sparring session. His progress is more noticeable as he's able to keep up with a quarter of Artemis' speed as they continue. Beads of sweat drip off his face. She goes to slam him, but his reflexes allow him to roll through.

The huntress then increases her speed to slam him. "You have gotten faster."

"Told you that I would close a gap between us", he winces with a jump onto his feet.

They keep sparring as Heracles and Echo look on. Beads of sweat drip off his 

Maybe it will work now. Try it. He imagines it in his mind. "Slow."

Everything else slows down, but he sees that Artemis and the others are unaffected.

"Play", he sighs.

"What are you trying to do?", Heracles asks.

"I thought being restored means I would access that power. To command what I want to be affected by my keywords. Maybe a keyword is needed, but which one?"

Artemis hits him, but he directs his aura into his arms to absorb the blow.

"If you have time to talk, you have time to fight!"


You have really improved. It's amazing. It reminds me of...

"How about a break?", he pants after 20 minutes.


Echo gives him a cup of juice that he chugs down. Artemis' ears perk up as her two dogs come running back to her. She sees that one of them has a bag around his neck. She rubs their bellies to their joy. "My good boys! What did you bring back?"

In the bag is a note along with some metal appendages. "It's from Galen and Daedalus!"

Takashi comes over and reads the note out loud.

     "Dear Takashi, we just heard from Artemis what you needed and made this for you. I was surprised to see Daedalus the way he arrived. I heard about his wings, but never saw them in practice. Anyway, we got to work. Good thing that you made a handprint before you left Ithaca or else the finger sizes wouldn't be right."

Taki's mind remembers him doing a painted handprint along with the crew on the outer wall of the palace. He keeps reading.

     "The index, middle finger, and thumb are made from our most durable metals and with Daedalus' help, they will not feel strange after a while. I included instructions on how to connect them. That part will be painful because the nerve endings have to connect right. I know you will make it through. I updated Daedalus on your deeds and he said he knew you were capable of doing great things. We hope to hear more from you and wish you a safe return home.


P.S. This is Daedalus. Icarus and I are doing well in Athens. People have been putting advance orders to the wings I made and I'm using my gifts to help them succeed. Icarus and Daphne have been courting each other as of late. We thank you that we got to this point. Be safe, friend."

Takashi puts away the note with a large smile. He examines the new silver fingers. Not a single blemish on them. "You guys did great."

Heracles steps forward. "Would you like me to attach these for you? Since-"

"Sure. I trust you."

He reads the instructions thoroughly and memorizes what to do. He fetches a thick piece of wood for Taki to sink his teeth into while he does the process. He sanitizes his hands before starting. Artemis and Echo lay hands to keep him still for the procedure.

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